{ "TR_PROFILE_TEMPERATURE": "Temperature", "TR_PROFILE_TEMPERATURE_SHORT": "Temp", "TR_PROFILE_INTERNAL": "Internal", "TR_PROFILE_INTERNAL_SHORT": "Int", "TR_PROFILE_AMBIENT": "Ambient", "TR_PROFILE_AMBIENT_SHORT": "Amb", "TR_PROFILE_DEW POINT": "Dew point", "TR_PROFILE_DEW POINT_SHORT": "Dew", "TR_PROFILE_HUMIDITY": "Humidity", "TR_PROFILE_HUMIDITY_SHORT": "Hum", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION": "Vibration", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION_SHORT": "Vib", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION X": "X-axis", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION X_SHORT": "X-axis", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION Y": "Y-axis", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION Y_SHORT": "Y-axis", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION Z": "Z-axis", "TR_PROFILE_VIBRATION Z_SHORT": "Z-axis", "TR_PROFILE_P2P": "Peak to peak", "TR_PROFILE_P2P_SHORT": "P2P", "TR_PROFILE_P2P X": "Peak to peak X", "TR_PROFILE_P2P X_SHORT": "P2P X", "TR_PROFILE_P2P Y": "Peak to peak Y", "TR_PROFILE_P2P Y_SHORT": "P2P Y", "TR_PROFILE_P2P Z": "Peak to peak Z", "TR_PROFILE_P2P Z_SHORT": "P2P Z", "TR_PROFILE_RMS": "Root mean square", "TR_PROFILE_RMS_SHORT": "RMS", "TR_PROFILE_RMS X": "Root mean square X", "TR_PROFILE_RMS X_SHORT": "RMS X", "TR_PROFILE_RMS Y": "Root mean square Y", "TR_PROFILE_RMS Y_SHORT": "RMS Y", "TR_PROFILE_RMS Z": "Root mean square Z", "TR_PROFILE_RMS Z_SHORT": "RMS Z", "TR_PROFILE_SPEED": "Speed", "TR_PROFILE_SPEED_SHORT": "Speed", "TR_PROFILE_DOOR": "Door", "TR_PROFILE_DOOR_SHORT": "Door", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC CURRENT": "Electric current", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC CURRENT_SHORT": "Curr", "TR_PROFILE_CURRENT": "Electric current", "TR_PROFILE_CURRENT_SHORT": "Curr", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC POTENTIAL": "Electric potential", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC POTENTIAL_SHORT": "Pot", "TR_PROFILE_POTENTIAL": "Electric potential", "TR_PROFILE_POTENTIAL_SHORT": "Pot", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC RESISTANCE": "Electric resistance", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC RESISTANCE_SHORT": "Res", "TR_PROFILE_RESISTANCE": "Electric resistance", "TR_PROFILE_RESISTANCE_SHORT": "Res", "TR_PROFILE_ANGLE": "Angle", "TR_PROFILE_ANGLE_SHORT": "Angle", "TR_PROFILE_PITCH": "Pitch", "TR_PROFILE_PITCH_SHORT": "Pitch", "TR_PROFILE_ROLL": "Roll", "TR_PROFILE_ROLL_SHORT": "Roll", "TR_PROFILE_WATER PRESENCE": "Water presence", "TR_PROFILE_WATER PRESENCE_SHORT": "Water", "TR_PROFILE_WATER": "Water presence", "TR_PROFILE_WATER_SHORT": "Water", "TR_PROFILE_CONTACT": "Contact", "TR_PROFILE_CONTACT_SHORT": "Cont", "TR_PROFILE_ACTIVITY": "Activity", "TR_PROFILE_ACTIVITY_SHORT": "Activ", "TR_PROFILE_MOTION": "Motion Count", "TR_PROFILE_MOTION_SHORT": "Motion", "TR_PROFILE_CONTROL": "Control", "TR_PROFILE_CONTROL_SHORT": "Control", "TR_PROFILE_VOLTAGE PRESENCE": "Voltage presence", "TR_PROFILE_VOLTAGE PRESENCE_SHORT": "Volt", "TR_PROFILE_VAC": "Voltage AC", "TR_PROFILE_VAC_SHORT": "Volt AC", "TR_PROFILE_VDC": "Voltage DC", "TR_PROFILE_VDC_SHORT": "Volt DC", "TR_PROFILE_BUTTON": "Button", "TR_PROFILE_BUTTON_SHORT": "Button", "TR_PROFILE_SWITCH": "Switch", "TR_PROFILE_SWITCH_SHORT": "Switch", "TR_PROFILE_PRESSURE": "Pressure", "TR_PROFILE_PRESSURE_SHORT": "Press", "TR_PROFILE_VOLUME FLOW": "Volume flow", "TR_PROFILE_VOLUME FLOW_SHORT": "Flow", "TR_PROFILE_DISTANCE": "Distance", "TR_PROFILE_DISTANCE_SHORT": "Dist", "TR_PROFILE_CONCENTRATION": "Concentration", "TR_PROFILE_CONCENTRATION_SHORT": "Conc", "TR_PROFILE_AMMONIA": "Ammonia", "TR_PROFILE_AMMONIA_SHORT": "NH₃", "TR_PROFILE_COMBUSTIBLE GAS": "Combustible gas", "TR_PROFILE_COMBUSTIBLE GAS_SHORT": "Gas", "TR_PROFILE_ALCOHOL": "Alcohol", "TR_PROFILE_ALCOHOL_SHORT": "Alcohol", "TR_PROFILE_METHANE": "Methane", "TR_PROFILE_METHANE_SHORT": "Methane", "TR_PROFILE_LPG": "LPG", "TR_PROFILE_LPG_SHORT": "LPG", "TR_PROFILE_HYDROGEN": "Hydrogen", "TR_PROFILE_HYDROGEN_SHORT": "H", "TR_PROFILE_CO / CH4": "CO/CH4", "TR_PROFILE_CO / CH4_SHORT": "CO/CH4", "TR_PROFILE_BENZENE": "Benzene", "TR_PROFILE_BENZENE_SHORT": "Benzene", "TR_PROFILE_PM 1": "Particulate matter 1", "TR_PROFILE_PM 1_SHORT": "PM 1", "TR_PROFILE_PM 2.5": "Particulate matter 2.5", "TR_PROFILE_PM 2.5_SHORT": "PM 2.5", "TR_PROFILE_PM10": "Particulate matter 10", "TR_PROFILE_PM10_SHORT": "PM 10", "TR_PROFILE_TVOC": "Total volatile organic compounds", "TR_PROFILE_TVOC_SHORT": "TVOC", "TR_PROFILE_CO2": "Carbon dioxide", "TR_PROFILE_CO2_SHORT": "CO2", "TR_PROFILE_CO": "Carbon monoxide", "TR_PROFILE_CO_SHORT": "CO", "TR_PROFILE_MOTOR": "Motor", "TR_PROFILE_MOTOR_SHORT": "Motor", "TR_PROFILE_QUANTITY": "Quantity", "TR_PROFILE_QUANTITY_SHORT": "Quant", "TR_PROFILE_COUNT": "Count", "TR_PROFILE_COUNT_SHORT": "Count", "TR_PROFILE_FORCE": "Force", "TR_PROFILE_FORCE_SHORT": "Force", "TR_PROFILE_ILLUMINANCE": "Illuminance", "TR_PROFILE_ILLUMINANCE_SHORT": "Illum", "TR_PROFILE_LIGHT": "Light", "TR_PROFILE_LIGHT_SHORT": "Light", "TR_PROFILE_SIREN": "Siren", "TR_PROFILE_SIREN_SHORT": "Siren", "TR_PROFILE_ROTATION": "Rotation", "TR_PROFILE_ROTATION_SHORT": "Rot", "TR_PROFILE_SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL": "Sound level", "TR_PROFILE_SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL_SHORT": "Sound", "TR_PROFILE_MASS": "Mass", "TR_PROFILE_MASS_SHORT": "Mass", "TR_PROFILE_VALUE": "Value", "TR_PROFILE_VALUE_SHORT": "Val", "TR_PROFILE_CF": "Crest factor", "TR_PROFILE_CF_SHORT": "CF", "TR_PROFILE_CF X": "Crest factor X", "TR_PROFILE_CF X_SHORT": "CF X", "TR_PROFILE_CF Y": "Crest factor Y", "TR_PROFILE_CF Y_SHORT": "CF Y", "TR_PROFILE_CF Z": "Crest factor Z", "TR_PROFILE_CF Z_SHORT": "CF Z", "TR_PROFILE_VOLUME": "Volume", "TR_PROFILE_VOLUME_SHORT": "Vol", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC POTENTIAL (AC)": "Electric potential (AC)", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC POTENTIAL (AC)_SHORT": "Pot AC", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC POTENTIAL (DC)": "Electric potential (DC)", "TR_PROFILE_ELECTRIC POTENTIAL (DC)_SHORT": "Pot DC", "TR_PROFILE_POWER": "External Power", "TR_PROFILE_POWER_SHORT": "Ext. Power", "TR_PROFILE_SOIL MOISTURE": "Soil moisture", "TR_PROFILE_SOIL MOISTURE_SHORT": "Soil", "TR_PROFILE_AIR QUALITY": "Air quality", "TR_PROFILE_AIR QUALITY_SHORT": "Air", "TR_PROFILE_AIR QUALITY INDEX": "Air quality index", "TR_PROFILE_AIR QUALITY INDEX_SHORT": "AQI", "TR_PROFILE_HEALTH SCORE": "Health score", "TR_PROFILE_HEALTH SCORE_SHORT": "Health", "TR_PROFILE_COMFORT SCORE": "Comfort score", "TR_PROFILE_COMFORT SCORE_SHORT": "Comfort", "TR_PROFILE_VAPE": "Vape index", "TR_PROFILE_VAPE_SHORT": "Vape", "TR_PROFILE_DENSITY": "Density", "TR_PROFILE_DENSITY_SHORT": "Dens", "TR_PROFILE_TAMPER": "Tampering Count", "TR_PROFILE_TAMPER_SHORT": "Tamper", "TR_PROFILE_SOUND EVENT": "Noise Event", "TR_PROFILE_SOUND EVENT_SHORT": "Noise", "TR_VALUE": "Value", "TR_VALUE_OPEN": "Open", "TR_VALUE_CLOSED": "Closed", "TR_VALUE_NO": "No", "TR_VALUE_YES": "Yes", "TR_VALUE_OFF": "Off", "TR_VALUE_ON": "On", "TR_VALUE_NORMAL": "Normal", "TR_VALUE_FAILURE": "Failure", "TR_VALUE_STOPPED": "Stopped", "TR_VALUE_RUNNING": "Running", "TR_VALUE_DRY": "Dry", "TR_VALUE_WET": "Wet", "TR_UNIT_FAHRENHEIT": "Fahrenheit", "TR_UNIT_CELSIUS": "Celsius", "TR_UNIT_KELVIN": "Kelvin", "TR_UNIT_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY": "Relative humidity", "TR_UNIT_STANDARD_GRAVITY": "Standard gravity", "TR_UNIT_METERS_PER_SECOND2": "Meters/second²", "TR_UNIT_FEET_PER_SECOND2": "Feet/second²", "TR_UNIT_KNOTS": "Knots", "TR_UNIT_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR": "Kilometers/hour", "TR_UNIT_MILES_PER_HOUR": "Miles/hour", "TR_UNIT_METERS_PER_SECOND": "Meters/second", "TR_UNIT_METERS_PER_MINUTE": "Meters/minute", "TR_UNIT_AMPS": "Amps", "TR_UNIT_MILLIAMPS": "Milliamps", "TR_UNIT_VOLTS": "Volts", "TR_UNIT_OHMS": "Ohms", "TR_UNIT_DEGREES": "Degrees", "TR_UNIT_OPEN_CLOSED": "Open / Closed", "TR_UNIT_NO_YES": "No / Yes", "TR_UNIT_OFF_ON": "Off / On", "TR_UNIT_PASCALS": "Pascals", "TR_UNIT_POUNDS_PER_INCH2": "Pounds/inch²", "TR_UNIT_BAR": "Bar", "TR_UNIT_FEET3_PER_SECOND": "Feet³/second", "TR_UNIT_METER3_PER_SECOND": "Meter³/second", "TR_UNIT_GALLONS_PER_MINUTE": "Gallons/minute", "TR_UNIT_KILOPASCALS": "Kilopascals", "TR_UNIT_METERS": "Meters", "TR_UNIT_CENTIMETERS": "Centimeters", "TR_UNIT_FEET": "Feet", "TR_UNIT_INCHES": "Inches", "TR_UNIT_PARTS_PER_MILLION": "Parts per million", "TR_UNIT_PREDICTIVE_FAILURE": "Predictive Failure", "TR_UNIT_NUMBER": "Number", "TR_UNIT_NEWTONS": "Newtons", "TR_UNIT_POUNDS_FORCE": "Pounds-Force", "TR_UNIT_LUX": "Lux", "TR_UNIT_RPM": "Rpm", "TR_UNIT_HECTOPASCALS": "Hectopascals", "TR_UNIT_DECIBELS": "Decibels", "TR_UNIT_GRAMS": "Grams", "TR_UNIT_KILOGRAMS": "Kilograms", "TR_UNIT_POUNDS": "Pounds", "TR_UNIT_INCHES_PER_SECOND2": "Inches/second²", "TR_UNIT_LITERS": "Liters", "TR_UNIT_INCHES3": "Inches³", "TR_UNIT_QUARTS": "Quarts", "TR_UNIT_GALLONS_US": "Gallons (US)", "TR_UNIT_MILLILITERS": "Milliliters", "TR_UNIT_FEET3": "Feet³", "TR_UNIT_METERS3": "Meters³", "TR_UNIT_MILLIMETERS": "Millimeters", "TR_UNIT_VOLTS_RMS": "Volts RMS", "TR_UNIT_VOLTS_PK": "Volts Peak", "TR_UNIT_VOLTS_PP": "Volts P-P", "TR_UNIT_WATTS": "Watts", "TR_UNIT_PERCENT": "Percent", "TR_UNIT_STOPPED_RUNNING": "Stopped / Running", "TR_UNIT_DRY_WET": "Dry / Wet", "TR_UNIT_INDEX": "Index", "TR_UNIT_PARTS_PER_BILLION": "Parts per billion", "TR_UNIT_COUNT": "Count", "TR_UNIT_MILLIGRAMS_PER_METER3": "Milligrams/meter³", "TR_UNIT_MICROGRAMS_PER_METER3": "Micrograms/meter³", "TR_UNIT_FEET_PER_SECOND": "Feet/second", "TR_UNIT_FEET_PER_MINUTE": "Feet/minute", "TR_UNIT_SCORE": "Score", "TR_UNIT_LITERS_PER_SECOND": "Liters/second", "TR_AQM_INDOOR_AIR_QUALITY": "Indoor Air Quality", "TR_AQM_IAQ": "IAQ", "TR_AQM_IAQ_SCOREBOARD": "IAQ Scoreboard", "TR_AQM_COMFORT": "Comfort", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_0": "Very Good", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_1": "Good", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_2": "Fair", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_3": "Poor", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_4": "Very Poor", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_MSG_0": "Most people should feel very comfortable.", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_MSG_1": "Most people should feel comfortable.", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_MSG_2": "Some people may feel discomfort.", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_MSG_3": "Most people may feel uncomfortable.", "TR_AQM_COMFORT SCORE_MSG_4": "Everyone will feel uncomfortable.", "TR_AQM_HEALTH": "Health", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_0": "Very Good", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_1": "Good", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_2": "Fair", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_3": "Poor", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_4": "Very Poor", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_MSG_0": "Air quality is ideal for everyone's health.", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_MSG_1": "Air quality is acceptable for everyone's health.", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_MSG_2": "Air quality poses little or no risk to health.", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_MSG_3": "Sensitive people may experience health effects with prolonged exposure.", "TR_AQM_HEALTH SCORE_MSG_4": "Most people may experience health effects with prolonged exposure.", "TR_AQM_VAPE_0": "Very Low", "TR_AQM_VAPE_1": "Low", "TR_AQM_VAPE_2": "Moderate", "TR_AQM_VAPE_3": "High", "TR_AQM_VAPE_4": "Very High", "TR_AQM_VAPE_MSG_0": "The likelihood of vaping in the area is very low.", "TR_AQM_VAPE_MSG_1": "The likelihood of vaping in the area is low.", "TR_AQM_VAPE_MSG_2": "The likelihood of vaping in the area is moderate.", "TR_AQM_VAPE_MSG_3": "The likelihood of vaping in the area is high.", "TR_AQM_VAPE_MSG_4": "The likelihood of vaping in the area is very high.", "TR_DIAG_SIGNAL": "Signal Strength", "TR_ERROR": "Error", "TR_ERROR_0_TITLE": "Trying to reconnect to the server...", "TR_ERROR_0_MSG": "This message will be dismissed when your internet connection to the server is restored.", "TR_ERROR_404_TITLE": "Resource not found", "TR_ERROR_404_MSG": "The requested resource does not exist. Please find what you are looking for using the top menu.", "TR_ERROR_1100_TITLE": "Unexpected problem", "TR_ERROR_1100_MSG": "This was not supposed to happen. If this problem persists, please contact {{labelName}}.", "TR_ERROR_1101_TITLE": "Unable to delete alert", "TR_ERROR_1101_MSG": "Please first remove all measurements from this alert before deleting it.", "TR_ERROR_1102_TITLE": "Gateway belongs to another account", "TR_ERROR_1102_MSG": "If this gateway is supposed to belong to your account, please contact {{labelName}}.", "TR_ERROR_1103_TITLE": "Gateway already added", "TR_ERROR_1103_MSG": "If this gateway belongs to your account but does not appear in the hardware list, please contact {{labelName}}.", "TR_ERROR_1104_TITLE": "Gateway ID not found", "TR_ERROR_1104_MSG": "A gateway with this ID was not found. Please make sure the gateway's WiFi has been configured properly.", "TR_ERROR_1105_TITLE": "Invalid threshold boundaries", "TR_ERROR_1105_MSG": "The threshold boundary values must be in decreasing order.", "TR_ERROR_1106_TITLE": "Unable to delete group", "TR_ERROR_1106_MSG": "Only empty groups can be deleted. Please move child gateways to another group.", "TR_ERROR_1107_TITLE": "User already exists", "TR_ERROR_1107_MSG": "A user with this email address already exists. Please contact {{labelName}}.", "TR_ERROR_1108_TITLE": "Unable to invite this user", "TR_ERROR_1108_MSG": "We were unable to send the email to invite this user. Please contact {{labelName}}.", "TR_ERROR_1109_TITLE": "User registration failed", "TR_ERROR_1109_MSG": "This user could not be registered. Please contact {{labelName}}.", "TR_ERROR_1110_TITLE": "Gateway ID fragment is ambiguous", "TR_ERROR_1110_MSG": "Multiple gateways end with this gateway ID fragment. Please enter the entire gateway ID.", "TR_ERROR_1112_TITLE": "User has been disabled", "TR_ERROR_1112_MSG": "This user has been disabled by an administrator. Please contact your administrator.", "TR_ERROR_1113_TITLE": "Forbidden account", "TR_ERROR_1113_MSG": "This user is not allowed to access this account. Please contact your administrator.", "TR_ERROR_1114_TITLE": "Permission denied", "TR_ERROR_1114_MSG": "This user is not allowed to perform this action. Please contact your administrator.", "TR_ERROR_1115_TITLE": "Image not found", "TR_ERROR_1115_MSG": "The requested image could not be found.", "TR_ERROR_1116_TITLE": "Invalid image category", "TR_ERROR_1116_MSG": "The specified image category is not supported.", "TR_ERROR_1117_TITLE": "Invalid image type", "TR_ERROR_1117_MSG": "The specified image type is not supported. Please upload image with type JPG or PNG.", "TR_ERROR_1118_TITLE": "Image upload failed", "TR_ERROR_1118_MSG": "The specified image could not be uploaded. Please try another image or use a photo editor to re-save the image.", "TR_ERROR_1119_TITLE": "Send email failed", "TR_ERROR_1119_MSG": "The email could not be sent because it is too large.", "TR_ERROR_1120_TITLE": "Invalid Time Zone", "TR_ERROR_1120_MSG": "The format of the time zone is invalid.", "TR_ERROR_1121_TITLE": "No delivery method", "TR_ERROR_1121_MSG": "An alert must have at least one delivery method.", "TR_ERROR_1122_TITLE": "User Temporarily Locked Out", "TR_ERROR_1122_MSG": "Too many failed sign in attempts. You can try again in a minute, or request a password reset now.", "TR_ERROR_1123_TITLE": "Invalid Credentials", "TR_ERROR_1123_MSG": "Email or password is incorrect. Please try again.", "TR_ERROR_1124_TITLE": "Expired Link", "TR_ERROR_1124_MSG": "This link has expired. You must use the link from the latest email.", "TR_ERROR_1125_TITLE": "Invalid phone number", "TR_ERROR_1125_MSG": "The phone number you entered is not valid. Please check the number and try again.", "TR_ERROR_1126_TITLE": "Unable to change conversion", "TR_ERROR_1126_MSG": "The conversion cannot be modified due to an attached sensor with a threshold.", "TR_ERROR_1127_TITLE": "Email is invalid", "TR_ERROR_1127_MSG": "Your email address is invalid or cannot receive emails from {{labelName}}. Please contact your administrator.", "TR_ERROR_1128_TITLE": "Logo is too wide", "TR_ERROR_1128_MSG": "The width relative to the height is too large.", "TR_ERROR_1129_TITLE": "Password has expired", "TR_ERROR_1129_MSG": "Your password has expired and must be changed.", "TR_ERROR_1130_TITLE": "Password recently used", "TR_ERROR_1130_MSG": "The new password has been used recently and cannot be used again.", "TR_ERROR_1131_TITLE": "Password too short", "TR_ERROR_1131_MSG": "The new password is too short.", "TR_ERROR_1132_TITLE": "Password missing special characters", "TR_ERROR_1132_MSG": "The password must contain at least 1 non-alphanumeric character.", "TR_ERROR_1133_TITLE": "Password missing upper and lower case", "TR_ERROR_1133_MSG": "The password must contain both an upper and lower case character.", "TR_ERROR_1134_TITLE": "Password missing a number", "TR_ERROR_1134_MSG": "The password must contain a number.", "TR_ERROR_1135_TITLE": "No public IP address for gateway", "TR_ERROR_1135_MSG": "Location of gateway cannot be found because there is no public IP address", "TR_ERROR_1136_TITLE": "Unable to determine IP address location", "TR_ERROR_1136_MSG": "The location of the IP address could not be determined.", "TR_ERROR_1137_TITLE": "Locate IP address has failed", "TR_ERROR_1137_MSG": "Locating the gateway by public IP address has failed for an unknown reason.", "TR_ERROR_1138_TITLE": "Unable to adopt virtual gateway", "TR_ERROR_1138_MSG": "The account does not have any available virtual gateways. Please contact your administrator.", "TR_ERROR_1139_TITLE": "Time-series database is not responding", "TR_ERROR_1139_MSG": "The time-series database is taking too long to respond. Please contact your administrator.", "TR_ERROR_1140_TITLE": "Invalid Password", "TR_ERROR_1140_MSG": "The password is incorrect. Please try again.", "TR_ERROR_1141_TITLE": "Unable to change conversion", "TR_ERROR_1141_MSG": "The conversion cannot be modified due to an attached sensor with a goal.", "TR_ERROR_1142_TITLE": "Unable to copy the device data", "TR_ERROR_1142_MSG": "The device data could not be copied because the measurements property type or count don't match.", "TR_ERROR_1143_TITLE": "Shifts overlap", "TR_ERROR_1143_MSG": "Please make sure that no shifts overlap during the week by adjusting the days of the week or the times of the day.", "TR_ERROR_1144_TITLE": "", "TR_ERROR_1144_MSG": "The requested time range is too long.", "TR_ERROR_1145_TITLE": "Sensor settings cannot be changed right now.", "TR_ERROR_1145_MSG": "This sensor or the parent gateway is offline. Please try again later when they are online.", "TR_ERROR_1146_TITLE": "Gateway software is not latest.", "TR_ERROR_1146_MSG": "Please wait a few minutes until the gateway updates itself with the latest software.", "TR_ERROR_1147_TITLE": "Data does not match.", "TR_ERROR_1147_MSG": "Please enter the requested data carefully.", "TR_ERROR_1149_TITLE": "Invalid Code", "TR_ERROR_1149_MSG": "Please enter the code carefully.", "TR_ERROR_1150_TITLE": "Expired Code", "TR_ERROR_1150_MSG": "A new code was sent to your phone. Please enter the new code.", "TR_ERROR_1151_TITLE": "Overlapping periods", "TR_ERROR_1151_MSG": "Periods cannot overlap. Remember that if the end time is less than then the start time, the end time happens on the following day.", "TR_ERROR_1152_TITLE": "Continuous periods", "TR_ERROR_1152_MSG": "Periods cannot add up to a continuous week. To be silent all week, disable this alert instead. To be active all week, active periods are not needed since alerts are always active by default.", "TR_ERROR_1155_TITLE": "SMS not supported", "TR_ERROR_1155_MSG": "Please enter a phone number that supports SMS messages or contact support for manual verification.", "TR_ERROR_1156_TITLE": "Limit Exceeded", "TR_ERROR_1156_MSG": "Only one alert webhook with a heartbeat is allowed per account.", "TR_ERROR_5000_TITLE": "Account cannot be moved there.", "TR_ERROR_5000_MSG": "An account cannot be moved into a sub-account because sub-accounts move with the account.", "TR_PROBLEM": "Problem", "TR_INVALID_POSITION": "Must be a valid position format with latitude and longitude.", "TR_INVALID_THRESHOLD_STATUS": "Threshold status is required.", "TR_INVALID_MEASUREMENT_VALUE": "Measurement value is required.", "TR_INVALID_ABNORMAL_BOUNDARY": "At least one abnormal boundary must be defined.", "TR_INVALID_ABNORMAL_BOUNDARIES": "Abnormal boundaries must be in decreasing order.", "TR_INVALID_DAY_OF_THE_WEEK": "At least one day of the week must be selected.", "TR_INVALID_TIME": "Time must have valid hours and minutes.", "TR_INVALID_NOTIF_TRIGGER": "At least one criteria must be selected.", "TR_INVALID_NOTIF_DELIVERY": "At least one delivery method must be selected.", "TR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS": "Invalid Credentials", "TR_INVALID_DATE_RANGE_FLIPPED": "End date cannot be before start date.", "TR_INVALID_NOTIF_NOSPAM": "Suppression duration must be longer than the delay duration, or zero.", "TR_TIME": "Time", "TR_TIME_FEW_SECS": "Few secs", "TR_TIME_SEC": "sec", "TR_TIME_SECS": "secs", "TR_TIME_SECONDS": "seconds", "TR_TIME_MIN": "min", "TR_TIME_MINS": "mins", "TR_TIME_MINUTE": "minute", "TR_TIME_MINUTES": "minutes", "TR_TIME_HOUR": "hour", "TR_TIME_HOURS": "hours", "TR_TIME_DAY": "day", "TR_TIME_DAYS": "days", "TR_TIME_YEAR": "year", "TR_TIME_YEARS": "years", "TR_TIME_LAST_15_MINS": "Last 15 mins", "TR_TIME_LAST_HOUR": "Last hour", "TR_TIME_LAST_4_HOURS": "Last 4 hours", "TR_TIME_LAST_DAY": "Last day", "TR_TIME_LAST_WEEK": "Last week", "TR_TIME_LAST_MONTH": "Last month", "TR_TIME_LAST_4_MONTHS": "Last 4 months", "TR_TIME_LAST_YEAR": "Last year", "TR_TIME_LAST_5_YEARS": "Last 5 years", "TR_TIME_CREATED": "Time Created", "TR_TIME_CHANGED": "Time Changed", "TR_RETENTION_PERIOD": "Retention period", "TR_RETENTION_MSG": "The retention period determines how long sensor data is stored on this account.", "TR_RETENTION_NOTE": "Decreasing the retention period may delete sensor data older than the new retention period.", "TR_RETENTION_WARN": "Deleted sensor data cannot be recovered. Do you want to continue?", "TR_COUNT_DAYS": "{{count}} days", "TR_COUNT_YEAR": "{{count}} year", "TR_COUNT_YEARS": "{{count}} years", "TR_DATE": "Date", "TR_DATE_RANGE": "Date Range", "TR_CUSTOM_DATE_RANGE": "Custom date range", "TR_FROM": "From", "TR_TO": "To", "TR_DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK": "Days of the Week", "TR_DAY_MONDAY": "Monday", "TR_DAY_TUESDAY": "Tuesday", "TR_DAY_WEDNESDAY": "Wednesday", "TR_DAY_THURSDAY": "Thursday", "TR_DAY_FRIDAY": "Friday", "TR_DAY_SATURDAY": "Saturday", "TR_DAY_SUNDAY": "Sunday", "TR_MONTHLY_REPORT": "Monthly report", "TR_MONTH": "Month", "TR_MONTH_0": "January", "TR_MONTH_1": "February", "TR_MONTH_2": "March", "TR_MONTH_3": "April", "TR_MONTH_4": "May", "TR_MONTH_5": "June", "TR_MONTH_6": "July", "TR_MONTH_7": "August", "TR_MONTH_8": "September", "TR_MONTH_9": "October", "TR_MONTH_10": "November", "TR_MONTH_11": "December", "TR_TIME_ZONE": "Time Zone", "TR_TIME_ZONE_REGION": "Time Zone Region", "TR_ACCOUNT_TIME_ZONE": "Account Time Zone", "TR_ACCOUNT_TIME_ZONE_DESCRIPTION": "The account time zone is used to determine local time during silent or active alert periods. Optionally, you can set a different time zone for any gateway.", "TR_GATEWAY_TIME_ZONE": "Gateway Time Zone", "TR_GATEWAY_TIME_ZONE_DESCRIPTION": "By default, a gateway uses the account time zone to determine local time during silent or active alert periods. By unchecking this box you can set a different time zone for this gateway.", "TR_USE_ACCOUNT_TIME_ZONE": "Use account time zone", "TR_TIME_LOCAL_TITLE": "About local time", "TR_TIME_LOCAL_MSG": "The time shown here is local time according to each sensor's time zone. Time zone is determined by each sensor's parent gateway or account.", "TR_LANGUAGE": "Language", "TR_ACCOUNT_LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION": "The account language is the default language assigned to new users on this account. Users can always select another language.", "TR_SIGN_IN": "Sign In", "TR_SIGNED_IN": "Signed In", "TR_NOT_SIGNED_IN": "Not Signed In", "TR_SIGN_OUT": "Sign Out", "TR_SETTINGS": "Settings", "TR_SWITCH": "Switch", "TR_SWITCH_ACCOUNT": "Switch Account", "TR_SWITCH_HOME_ACCOUNT_NOTIFS_MSG": "Please switch back to your home account to view or edit your own alerts.", "TR_SWITCH_HOME_ACCOUNT_SUB_NOTIFS_MSG": "Please switch back to your home account to view your own sub-account alerts.", "TR_SWITCH_SUB_ACCOUNT_NOTIFS_MSG": "Switch to a sub-account to select sub-account alerts.", "TR_ADD": "Add", "TR_EDIT": "Edit", "TR_DELETE": "Delete", "TR_SHOW_HIDDEN_ITEMS": "Show Hidden Items", "TR_FILTER": "Filter", "TR_FILTERS": "Filters", "TR_FILTER_NO_RESULTS": "No filter results", "TR_FILTER_TIP_1": "You can enter multiple words. Results will change depending on the use of spaces or commas.", "TR_FILTER_TIP_2": "Use spaces to filter using word 1 and word 2.", "TR_FILTER_TIP_3": "Use commas to filter using word 1 or word 2.", "TR_FILTER_OR": "Filter using \"or\"", "TR_SEARCH": "Search", "TR_SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search Results", "TR_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS": "No Search Results", "TR_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS_MSG": "No items match your search criteria.", "TR_SEARCH_BY": "Search by", "TR_SEARCH_FOR": "Search for", "TR_SEARCH_TAGS": "Search Tags", "TR_SEARCH_NOTES": "Search Notes", "TR_SEARCH_USERS": "Search Users", "TR_SEARCH_FOUND_NOTES_MSG": "Found {{count}} notes.", "TR_SEARCH_MIN_CHARS": "Enter at least 3 characters.", "TR_SEARCH_FOUND_ITEMS": "Found {{items}} items in {{accounts}} accounts.", "TR_SEARCH_FOUND_ACCOUNTS": "Found {{accounts}} accounts.", "TR_SEARCH_ABOUT_MSG": "Search options let you find all items in the selected category where a specific property contains the search string.", "TR_SEARCH_ABOUT_MSG2": "Click any search result to go to the details page.", "TR_SEARCH_ABOUT_MSG3": "Searches include all sub-accounts if you have a multi-account user role.", "TR_AUDIT_TRAIL": "Audit Trail", "TR_ACTION": "Action", "TR_ACTIONS": "Actions", "TR_OBJECT": "Object", "TR_OBJECT_TYPE": "Object Type", "TR_OBJECT_ID": "Object Id", "TR_ANY": "Any", "TR_AUDIT_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE": "Object type is required when searching by object id.", "TR_USER": "User", "TR_USERS": "Users", "TR_USER_ID": "User ID", "TR_USER_VERIFICATION": "User Verification", "TR_USERNAME": "Username", "TR_USER_PROFILE": "User Profile", "TR_USER_SETTINGS": "User Settings", "TR_USER_NOTIFS": "User Alerts", "TR_USER_ROLE": "Role", "TR_FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "TR_MIDDLE_NAME": "Middle Name", "TR_LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "TR_MANAGE_USER": "Manage User", "TR_DELETE_USER": "Delete User?", "TR_DELETE_USER_MESSAGE": "You are about to permanently delete this user.", "TR_NO_USERS_MESSAGE": "There are no users in this account.", "TR_ROLE": "Role", "TR_ROLE_DEFINITIONS": "Role Definitions", "TR_ROLE_READER": "Reader", "TR_ROLE_READER_DEFINITION": "Browse the list, dashboards, map, thresholds, and alerts in read-only mode, and build reports.", "TR_ROLE_EDITOR": "Editor", "TR_ROLE_EDITOR_DEFINITION": "Reader privileges plus management of the list, dashboards, thresholds, alerts, and deleting empty gateways.", "TR_ROLE_ADMIN": "Admin", "TR_ROLE_ADMIN_SHORT": "Admin", "TR_ROLE_ADMIN_DEFINITION": "Editor privileges plus management of users, WiFi settings, and deleting sensors.", "TR_ROLE_MULTI_ACCOUNT_READER": "Multi-Account Reader", "TR_ROLE_MULTI_ACCOUNT_READER_DEFINITION": "Reader privileges on the home account and all sub-accounts.", "TR_ROLE_MULTI_ACCOUNT_EDITOR": "Multi-Account Editor", "TR_ROLE_MULTI_ACCOUNT_EDITOR_DEFINITION": "Editor privileges on the home account and all sub-accounts.", "TR_ROLE_MULTI_ACCOUNT_ADMIN": "Multi-Account Admin", "TR_ROLE_MULTI_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_DEFINITION": "Admin privileges on the home account and all sub-accounts, plus management of Multi-Account Admin users.", "TR_ROLE_SUPPORT": "Support", "TR_ROLE_SUPER": "Super", "TR_PHOTO": "Photo", "TR_EDIT_PHOTO_DESCRIPTION": "Uploading a photo helps to identify and locate your hardware in the real world.", "TR_CURRENT_PHOTO": "Current Photo", "TR_NEW_PHOTO": "New Photo", "TR_NEW_PHOTO_NOTE": "The photo should be in JPG or PNG format or taken directly by the camera.", "TR_DELETE_PHOTO_TITLE": "Delete Photo?", "TR_DELETE_PHOTO_DESCRIPTION": "You are about to permanently delete this photo. This action cannot be undone.", "TR_WIFI": "WiFi", "TR_WIFI_NETWORK": "WiFi Network", "TR_SELECT_WIFI": "Select a WiFi Network", "TR_SCANNING_WIFI": "Scanning for WiFi networks...", "TR_SCANNING_WIFI_NOTE": "This may take up to a minute.", "TR_SCANNING_WIFI_FAILED": "WiFi Network Scan Failed", "TR_NONE_DETECTED": "None Detected", "TR_AVAILABLE_WIFI": "Available WiFi Networks", "TR_CONFIGURE_WIFI": "Configure WiFi Network", "TR_CONFIGURE_WIFI_DESCRIPTION": "If the gateway cannot connect or detects no internet on the new network, it will revert back to its current network.", "TR_WIFI_SAVE_OPTIONS": "Save Options", "TR_WIFI_OPTION_SAVE_LATER": "Save for Later", "TR_WIFI_OPTION_SAVE_LATER_DESCRIPTION": "Instead of connecting now, the gateway will wait for the current network to stop working.", "TR_WIFI_OPTION_SAVE_ALL": "Save to All Gateways on Same Network", "TR_WIFI_OPTION_SAVE_ALL_DESCRIPTION": "This change will be saved to all your gateways on the same current network as this gateway.", "TR_COMMAND": "Command", "TR_CMD_REASON_REQUIRED": "Reason or comment (required)", "TR_CMD_REASON_OPTIONAL": "Reason or comment (optional)", "TR_CMD_REBOOT": "Reboot", "TR_CMD_RESTART": "Restart", "TR_CMD_CLEAR_COMMANDS": "Clear Pending Commands", "TR_CMD_FORGET_CURRENT_WIFI": "Forget Current WiFi Network", "TR_CMD_FORGET_ALL_WIFI": "Forget All WiFi Networks", "TR_CMD_FORGET_ALL_STATIC_IPS": "Forget All Static IPs", "TR_CMD_RELOAD_SETTINGS": "Reload Settings", "TR_LOGS": "Logs", "TR_EXPORT": "Export Data", "TR_EXPORT_RANGE_MSG": "The date range can extend up to 100 days.", "TR_EXPORT_DOCUMENT": "Document", "TR_EXPORT_LAYOUT": "Layout", "TR_EXPORT_LAYOUT_VER": "Vertical", "TR_EXPORT_LAYOUT_HOR": "Horizontal", "TR_EXPORT_LAYOUT_VER_MSG": "Sensors will be stacked on top of each other.", "TR_EXPORT_LAYOUT_HOR_MSG": "Sensors will be side by side and share a time column.", "TR_EXPORT_SENSOR": "Sensor Information", "TR_EXPORT_SENSOR_HEADER": "In the header", "TR_EXPORT_SENSOR_ROW": "In every row", "TR_EXPORT_SENSOR_HEADER_MSG": "Sensor name and hardware ID will appear in the header.", "TR_EXPORT_SENSOR_ROW_MSG": "Sensor name and hardware ID will appear in every row.", "TR_EXPORT_TIME": "Time Information", "TR_EXPORT_TIME_COMBINED": "Combined", "TR_EXPORT_TIME_SEPARATED": "Separated", "TR_EXPORT_TIME_COMBINED_MSG": "Date, time, and time zone will be combined into one field.", "TR_EXPORT_TIME_SEPARATED_MSG": "Date, time, and time zone will be separated into three fields.", "TR_EXPORT_VALUES": "Values", "TR_EXPORT_UNITS_DISP": "Displayed", "TR_EXPORT_UNITS_SI": "International", "TR_EXPORT_UNITS_DISP_MSG": "Values will use units as currently displayed.", "TR_EXPORT_UNITS_SI_MSG": "Values will use the International System of Units.", "TR_EXPORT_AGG_AVG_1_MIN": "1 minute averages", "TR_EXPORT_AGG_AVG_5_MIN": "5 minute averages", "TR_EXPORT_AGG_AVG_15_MIN": "15 minute averages", "TR_EXPORT_AGG_AVG_1_HR": "60 minute averages", "TR_EXPORT_AGG_NONE_MSG": "Values will be exported exactly as reported by each sensor.", "TR_EXPORT_AGG_AVG_MSG": "Values in the same time segment will be averaged together.", "TR_EXPORT_NOTE": "The report will be created in CSV format.", "TR_EXPORT_NOTE2": "You can download the report or email it to yourself.", "TR_CONTENTS": "Contents", "TR_EMAILS": "Email Addresses", "TR_EMAILS_NOTE": "Separate multiple addresses by commas.", "TR_BRAND": "Brand", "TR_NO_BRAND_MESSAGE": "This service can be branded with a custom service name and logo for users of this account.", "TR_BRAND_URL": "Brand URL", "TR_BRAND_URL_MESSAGE": "This optional URL brands the sign-in page before a user's first sign-in. The use of this URL is recommended when linking to this service from a portal.", "TR_EDIT_BRAND": "Edit Brand", "TR_EDIT_BRAND_MESSAGE": "The service name is used in email alerts and error messages. The rectangular logo is used on the sign-in page and the desktop navigation menu. The square logo is used on the phone navigation menu.", "TR_UPLOAD_LOGO": "Upload Logo", "TR_UPLOAD_LOGO_FORMAT": "For best results, logo should be in PNG format with a transparent background, although JPEG format will be accepted.", "TR_UPLOAD_LOGO_RECT_SIZE": "Logo height should be exactly 100 pixels, and width up to 720 pixels. Larger logos will be scaled down.", "TR_UPLOAD_LOGO_SQUARE_SIZE": "Logo height should be exactly 100 pixels, and width up to 100 pixels. Larger logos will be scaled down.", "TR_BRAND_SERVICE_NAME": "Service Name", "TR_BRAND_RECT_LOGO": "Rectangular Logo", "TR_BRAND_SQUARE_LOGO": "Square Logo", "TR_WEBHOOK": "Alert Webhook", "TR_WEBHOOKS": "Alert Webhooks", "TR_WEBHOOK_SHORT": "Webhook", "TR_WEBHOOK_NONE_MSG": "Integrate alerts with third-party systems using custom webhooks. When creating an alert, any webhook defined here can be selected as a delivery method.", "TR_AUTHENTICATION": "Authentication", "TR_API_KEY_HEADER_ELEMENT": "API Key Header Element", "TR_REQUEST_TYPE": "Request Type", "TR_REQUEST_URL": "Request URL", "TR_REQUEST_BODY": "Request Body", "TR_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD": "Heartbeat Period", "TR_NOT_HEARTBEAT": "Not a heartbeat", "TR_VARIABLES": "Variables", "TR_ACCESS_NOT_ENABLED": "Access is not enabled", "TR_API_ACCESS": "API Access", "TR_API_KEY": "API Key", "TR_API_QUOTA": "Quota", "TR_API_QUOTA_USAGE": "Quota Usage", "TR_API_USAGE": "Usage", "TR_API_LAST_CALLED": "Last Called", "TR_API_NOT_ENABLED_MSG": "A key to the application programming interface (API) enables custom applications to communicate directly with our cloud servers. Please contact {{labelName}} to request an API key.", "TR_API_USERS": "API Users", "TR_API_USERS_MSG": "These users receive emails about changes to the API.", "TR_CATEGORY": "Category", "TR_MOVE_ITEMS": "Move Items", "TR_MOVE_HARDWARE": "Move Hardware", "TR_MOVE_HARDWARE_MSG": "You can organize your gateways according to their physical location. Move your gateways or hardware groups by dragging them to a new location in the hardware tree.", "TR_MOVE_HARDWARE_MSG_2": "Alternately, you can assign multiple gateways to a hardware group by editing the gateways panel on a hardware group page.", "TR_MOVE_MEASUREMENTS": "Move Measurements", "TR_MOVE_MEASUREMENTS_MSG": "You can organize your measurements according to their function. Move your measurements or measurement groups by dragging them to a new location in the measurement tree.", "TR_MOVE_MEASUREMENTS_MSG_2": "Alternately, you can assign multiple measurements to a measurement group by editing the measurements panel on a measurement group page.", "TR_MIGRATE_ACCOUNT": "Migrate Account", "TR_MIGRATE_ACCOUNT_MSG_1": "Migrate an account by dragging it to a new parent account in the account tree. The account and its sub-accounts will be moved under the new parent account.", "TR_MIGRATE_ACCOUNT_MSG_2": "You can organize your accounts into a hierarchy based on the way users access data. Users with multi-account roles cannot access a parent account, but can access all sub-accounts under their account.", "TR_MIGRATE_ACCOUNT_NOTE_TITLE": "Users will be signed out", "TR_MIGRATE_ACCOUNT_NOTE_MSG": "Users of the migrating account and sub-accounts who are currently signed into the {{labelName}} console will be signed out. Please consider migrating accounts when users are less likely to be signed in.", "TR_ACCOUNT": "Account", "TR_ACCOUNTS": "Accounts", "TR_HOME_ACCOUNT": "Home Account", "TR_SUB_ACCOUNT": "Sub-Account", "TR_SUB_ACCOUNTS": "Sub-Accounts", "TR_ADD_ACCOUNT": "Add Account", "TR_ADD_ROOT_ACCOUNT": "Add Root Account", "TR_ADD_PARENT_ACCOUNT": "Add Parent Account", "TR_ADD_SUB_ACCOUNT": "Add Sub-Account", "TR_ACCOUNT_NAME": "Account name (company)", "TR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER": "Account Number", "TR_LIST": "List", "TR_LIST_NO_GATEWAYS_TITLE": "No gateways", "TR_LIST_NO_GATEWAYS_MSG": "Select \"Add Gateway\" in the gear menu of the hardware list to register new gateways with this account.", "TR_LIST_NO_SENSORS_TITLE": "No sensors", "TR_LIST_NO_SENSORS_MSG": "Select \"Add Sensors\" in the gear menu of the hardware list to scan for new sensors and register them with this account.", "TR_LIST_CLICK": "Click on the list icon in the navbar to go to the hardware list.", "TR_SUB_ACCOUNT_NAME": "Sub-Account Name (Company)", "TR_SUB_ACCOUNT_ABOUT_MESSAGE": "Every account can have sub-accounts, which are child accounts. Sub-accounts function the same way as regular accounts, but allow Multi-Account users to switch to sub-accounts, and receive alerts from sub-accounts. Sub-accounts can also have sub-accounts.", "TR_THIRD_PARTY_INTEGRATION": "Third-Party Integration", "TR_ACCOUNT_INTEGRATION_MESSAGE": "This account may be integrated with services provided by third-parties to enhance or extend {{labelName}} features. For example, video cameras from EagleEyeNetworks may be linked with measurements for enhanced email alerts.", "TR_EAGLE_EYE_SIGN_IN_MESSAGE": "Sign in to allow measurements to be linked with video cameras. Email alerts will include images from the time the threshold was breached.", "TR_MONITORED": "Monitored", "TR_NOT_MONITORED": "Not Monitored", "TR_S2_GATEWAYS": "Series 2 gateways", "TR_L2_SUPPORT": "L2 Support", "TR_MFG_SUPPORT": "Manufacturing", "TR_RESELLER": "Reseller", "TR_DELETE_ACCOUNT_TITLE": "Delete Account?", "TR_DELETE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE": "You are about to permanently delete this account, including all users, gateways, sensors, and measurement data.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT": "Parent Account", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHY": "Hierarchy", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_USERS": "Users to move", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_OLD": "Old Parent Account", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_NEW": "New Parent Account", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_NEW_NAME": "New Parent Account Name", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_MSG_1": "The new parent account will be added above this account but below the old parent account.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_TITLE_2": "Users will be signed out", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_MSG_2": "Users of this account and its sub-accounts who are currently signed into the {{labelName}} console will be signed out. Please consider adding a parent account when users are less likely to be signed in.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_MSG_3": "Select users from this account to move to the new parent account.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_MSG_4": "One Multi-Account Admin user is recommended.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_MSG_5": "One Multi-Account Admin user is required.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_TITLE_6": "None to select", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_MSG_6": "The new parent account will have no users.", "TR_PARENT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_NO_USER": "At least one Multi-Account Admin user must be selected. A new root parent account must have a Multi-Account Admin user to manage its sub-accounts.", "TR_GROUP": "Group", "TR_HARDWARE_GROUP": "Hardware Group", "TR_HARDWARE_GROUPS": "Hardware Groups", "TR_MEASUREMENT_GROUP": "Measurement Group", "TR_MEASUREMENT_GROUPS": "Measurement Groups", "TR_ADD_GROUP": "Add Group", "TR_ADD_HARDWARE_GROUP_MESSAGE": "This hardware group will be added to the selected list node.", "TR_ADD_MEASUREMENT_GROUP_MESSAGE": "This measurement group will be added to the selected list node.", "TR_OTHER_GROUPS": "Other groups", "TR_DELETE_ITEM_TITLE": "Delete Item?", "TR_DELETE_ITEM_MSG": "You are about to delete this item. Click the delete button to confirm.", "TR_HARDWARE": "Hardware", "TR_HARDWARE_ID": "Hardware ID", "TR_UNMAPPED_HARDWARE": "Unmapped Hardware", "TR_LAST_CONTACT": "Last Contact", "TR_FIRST_CONTACT": "First Contact", "TR_MANUFACTURER": "Manufacturer", "TR_MODEL": "Model", "TR_REVISION": "Revision", "TR_MAP": "Map", "TR_POSITION": "Position", "TR_NO_POSITION_DATA": "No Position Data", "TR_NO_POSITION_DATA_MESSAGE": "Position data from a gateway with GPS is not available in this time range.", "TR_CLICK_TO_SET_POSITION": "Click to set position", "TR_LATITUDE": "Latitude", "TR_LONGITUDE": "Longitude", "TR_DIAGNOSTICS": "Diagnostics", "TR_REPORT": "Report", "TR_REPORTS": "Reports", "TR_REPORT_TYPE": "Report type", "TR_REPORT_OPTIONS": "Report options", "TR_ANALYTICS": "Analytics", "TR_ANALYTICS_ABOUT": "About Analytics", "TR_ANALYTICS_ABOUT_1": "Analytics provide powerful business insight into your historical sensor data. Analytics such as compliance, utilization, and productivity are compiled by work shifts according to a shift schedule. Shift schedules are managed on the shift schedules page.", "TR_ANALYTICS_ABOUT_2": "Reports using a shift schedule will include shifts that began and ended during the selected time range. Daily reports define the day's boundary according to each measurement's local time.", "TR_ANALYTICS_ABOUT_3": "Some reports may require measurements to output binary or scalar data or have a threshold. These requirements are explained below the report type selector.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_SHIFT_MSG": "This report requires a shift schedule with shifts and measurements. Go to the shift schedules page to create one.", "TR_ANALYTICS_TYPE": "Analytics Type", "TR_ANALYTICS_HISTORY": "Analytics History", "TR_ANALYTICS_MEAS_SELECTED": "{{count}} compatible measurements are selected.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_MEAS_TITLE": "No measurements", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_MEAS_MSG": "There are no measurements to select in this shift schedule.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_SCALAR_TITLE": "No scalar measurements", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_SCALAR_MSG": "There are no measurements that output scalar values in this shift schedule.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_SCALAR_MSG2": "There are no measurements that output scalar values.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_BINARY_TITLE": "No binary measurements", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_BINARY_MSG": "There are no measurements that output binary values in this shift schedule.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_SCALAR_THRESH_TITLE": "No scalar measurements with threshold", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_SCALAR_THRESH_MSG": "There are no scalar measurements with a threshold in this shift schedule.", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_BINARY_THRESH_TITLE": "No binary measurements with threshold", "TR_ANALYTICS_NO_BINARY_THRESH_MSG": "There are no binary measurements with a threshold in this shift schedule.", "TR_ANALYTICS_AGGREGATION": "Aggregation", "TR_ANALYTICS_FN_AVERAGE": "Average", "TR_ANALYTICS_FN_MINIMUM": "Minimum", "TR_ANALYTICS_FN_MAXIMUM": "Maximum", "TR_ANALYTICS_FN_TOTAL": "Total", "TR_DAILY_NOTES": "Daily Notes", "TR_DAILY_SPOT": "Daily Spot Values", "TR_DAILY_EXTREMES": "Daily Extremes", "TR_COMPLIANCE": "Compliance", "TR_UTILIZATION": "Utilization", "TR_PRODUCTIVITY": "Productivity", "TR_AVERAGE_VALUE": "Average Value", "TR_MAXIMUM_VALUE": "Maximum Value", "TR_MINIMUM_VALUE": "Minimum Value", "TR_COMPLIANCE_HISTORY": "Compliance History", "TR_UTILIZATION_HISTORY": "Utilization History", "TR_PRODUCTIVITY_HISTORY": "Productivity History", "TR_AVERAGE_VALUE_HISTORY": "Average Value History", "TR_MAXIMUM_VALUE_HISTORY": "Maximum Value History", "TR_MINIMUM_VALUE_HISTORY": "Minimum Value History", "TR_DAILY_NOTES_ABOUT": "Shows all notes entered by users for the selected measurements in each day. All measurements are compatible with this report.", "TR_DAILY_SPOT_ABOUT": "Shows the spot values at selected times throughout each day for measurements that output scalar values, such as temperature.", "TR_DAILY_EXTREMES_ABOUT": "Calculates the daily minimum, average, and maximum values of measurements that output scalar values, such as temperature.", "TR_COMPLIANCE_ABOUT": "Calculates the percentage of time spent in compliance with thresholds using measurements that output scalar values, such as temperature. The measurement is in compliance when threshold status is normal, so a threshold is needed.", "TR_UTILIZATION_ABOUT": "Calculates the percentage of time when equipment was utilized using measurements that output binary values, such as contact, door, or activity. The measurement is utilized when threshold status is normal, so a threshold is needed.", "TR_PRODUCTIVITY_ABOUT": "Counts the total units produced using measurements that output binary values, such as contact, door, or activity. Production of one unit is defined as the measurement completing one binary cycle, regardless of initial state.", "TR_AVERAGE_VALUE_ABOUT": "Calculates the average value during each shift for measurements that output scalar values, such as temperature.", "TR_MAXIMUM_VALUE_ABOUT": "Finds the maximum value during each shift for measurements that output scalar values, such as temperature.", "TR_MINIMUM_VALUE_ABOUT": "Finds the minimum value during each shift for measurements that output scalar values, such as temperature.", "TR_SELECTED_TIMES": "Selected times", "TR_SELECTED_TIMES_MSG": "The report shows the closest spot value slightly before or after each time.", "TR_CUSTOM_TIMES": "Custom times", "TR_CUSTOM_SPOT_TIMES_MSG": "Enter up to 6 times separated by spaces.", "TR_INVALID_SPOT_TIMES_MSG": "Use format \"10AM 2:30PM\" or \"10 14:30\"", "TR_SHOW_CHART": "Show chart", "TR_SHOW_EMPTY_ROWS": "Show empty rows", "TR_PRINT": "Print", "TR_PRINT_PDF": "Print / PDF", "TR_PRINT_ABOUT": "To save this report as a PDF file instead of printing it, choose PDF as your printer destination in the print dialog.", "TR_SHIFT_AVERAGE": "Shift average", "TR_SHIFT_DETAILS": "Shift details", "TR_SHIFT_RANGE": "Shift range", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE": "Shift Schedule", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULES": "Shift Schedules", "TR_SHIFT": "Shift", "TR_SHIFTS": "Shifts", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_ABOUT_1": "A shift schedule is a set of work shifts at a facility. Shift schedules are used to compile historical analytics about previous work shifts as well as real-time analytics about the active work shift on the dashboard.", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_ABOUT_2": "Work shifts define times throughout the week when analytics are relevant. Because several work shifts are usually related, work shifts are grouped into shift schedules. Measurements that monitor the environment or equipment in use during these work shifts should be assigned to their corresponding shift schedule.", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_ABOUT_3": "Each shift schedule can be reused with multiple measurements.", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_ABOUT_4": "Shifts in the same shift schedule cannot overlap.", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_NO_SHIFT_SCHEDULES_MESSAGE": "Create a shift schedule for this measurement by tapping the plus icon on the shift schedules page, or tap the arrow to go there now.", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_NO_SHIFTS_TITLE": "No shifts", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_NO_SHIFTS_MESSAGE": "Add at least one shift to this shift schedule.", "TR_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_NO_MEASUREMENTS_MESSAGE": "Select measurements in use during shifts in this shift schedule.", "TR_GOAL": "Goal", "TR_GOALS": "Goals", "TR_GOAL_TYPE": "Goal type", "TR_GOAL_VALUE": "Goal value", "TR_GOAL_ABOUT_1": "A goal is an optional feature to enhance analytics. Each goal defines the desired output for some measurements during a shift for a specific analytics type. Analytics for measurements with goals are automatically enhanced by comparing each measurement's output against its goal.", "TR_GOAL_ABOUT_2": "Analytics values appear green if the goal has been met or if the goal is projected to be met, otherwise they appear red. Analytics values without a goal appear blue.", "TR_GOAL_ABOUT_3": "Goals of each analytics type may require attached measurements to output binary or scalar data or have a threshold. These requirements are explained below the analytics type selector.", "TR_GOAL_ABOUT_4": "Each goal can be reused with multiple compatible measurements.", "TR_GOAL_NO_MEASUREMENTS_MESSAGE": "Select measurements that should reach this goal.", "TR_GOAL_NO_MEAS_TITLE": "No measurements", "TR_GOAL_NO_MEAS_MSG": "There are no measurements to select.", "TR_GOAL_NO_SCALAR_TITLE": "No scalar measurements", "TR_GOAL_NO_SCALAR_MSG": "There are no measurements that output scalar values.", "TR_GOAL_NO_BINARY_TITLE": "No binary measurements", "TR_GOAL_NO_BINARY_MSG": "There are no measurements that output binary values.", "TR_GOAL_NO_SCALAR_THRESH_TITLE": "No scalar measurements with threshold", "TR_GOAL_NO_SCALAR_THRESH_MSG": "There are no scalar measurements with a threshold.", "TR_GOAL_NO_BINARY_THRESH_TITLE": "No binary measurements with threshold", "TR_GOAL_NO_BINARY_THRESH_MSG": "There are no binary measurements with a threshold.", "TR_GATEWAY": "Gateway", "TR_GATEWAYS": "Gateways", "TR_PARENT_GATEWAY": "Parent Gateway", "TR_OFFLINE_GATEWAYS": "Offline Gateways", "TR_ADD_GATEWAY": "Add Gateway", "TR_LAST_4_DIGITS_OF_GATEWAY_ID": "Last 4 digits of gateway ID", "TR_GATEWAY_ID": "Gateway ID", "TR_SELECT_GATEWAYS_IN_GROUP_MESSAGE": "Select gateways in this group.", "TR_NO_GATEWAYS_MESSAGE": "There are no gateways in this account.", "TR_ADD_GATEWAY_MESSAGE": "Please enter the last 4 digits of the gateway ID as shown on the gateway label or the purchase email. The new gateway will be permanently registered with your account.", "TR_ADD_GATEWAY_NOTE": "The gateway will be added inside the currently selected group. You can move this gateway later using the Move command.", "TR_NEW_GATEWAY_MESSAGE": "This gateway is registered with your account. Please name it based on its location. You can also place it on the map. Sensors connected to this gateway will appear below it in the list and on the map. You can move any hardware by clicking the Move icon and dragging the markers.", "TR_NO_NAME_GATEWAY_MESSAGE": "Please name this new gateway. Tap the name or choose Edit from the Gear menu on the right.", "TR_DELETE_GATEWAY_TITLE": "Delete Gateway?", "TR_DELETE_GATEWAY_MESSAGE": "You are about to delete this gateway from your account. If this gateway is in working order, it can be added back later.", "TR_IP_ADDRESS": "IP Address", "TR_MAC_ADDRESS": "MAC Address", "TR_WIRED": "Wired", "TR_CELLULAR": "Cellular", "TR_ETHERNET": "Ethernet", "TR_USB": "USB", "TR_NETWORK": "Network", "TR_ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Advanced Settings", "TR_ETHERNET_STATIC_IP_TITLE": "Ethernet Static IP", "TR_ETHERNET_STATIC_IP_MSG": "Complete both fields to enable static IP mode when connected using Ethernet.", "TR_WIFI_STATIC_IP_TITLE": "WiFi Static IP", "TR_WIFI_STATIC_IP_MSG": "Complete both fields to enable static IP mode when connected using WiFi.", "TR_STATIC_IP_ADDRESS": "Static IP address", "TR_ROUTER_IP_ADDRESS": "Router IP address", "TR_STATIC_ERROR_PAIR": "Static IP address and Router IP address must be added or deleted together.", "TR_STATIC_ERROR_SAME": "Static IP address and Router IP address cannot be the same.", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY": "Migrate Gateway", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY_MSG_1": "This gateway and any attached items will be moved or copied to another account.", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY_MSG_2": "Any sensor and measurement attached to this gateway will be moved to the destination account.", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY_MSG_3": "Any threshold, conversion, shift schedule, or goal attached to a moving measurement will be copied to the destination account.", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY_MSG_4": "Copied items will appear with an asterisk (*) on the destination account, and their description will show the name of the origin account.", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY_ITEMS_TO_BE_MOVED": "Items to be moved", "TR_MIGRATE_GATEWAY_SELECT_DESTINATION_ACCOUNT": "Select destination account", "TR_SENSOR": "Sensor", "TR_SENSORS": "Sensors", "TR_OFFLINE_SENSORS": "Offline Sensors", "TR_LOW_BATTERY_SENSORS": "Low Battery Sensors", "TR_LOW_BATTERY_IN_NAME": "Low Battery in {{name}}", "TR_NO_SENSORS_MESSAGE": "There are no sensors in this account.", "TR_SENSOR_NO_NAME_DESCRIPTION": "Please name this new sensor. Tap the name or choose Edit from the Gear menu on the right.", "TR_SENSOR_SETTINGS": "Sensor Settings", "TR_SENSOR_SETTINGS_MSG": "The following settings are stored on the sensor itself. It may take a few minutes to send any changes to the sensor.", "TR_INSPECT_RATE": "Inspection Rate", "TR_INSPECT_RATE_MSG": "The duration between recorded measurement values. Longer inspection rate will increase battery life.", "TR_INSPECT_RATE_CONTINUOUS": "Continuous", "TR_INSPECT_RATE_VIB_MSG": "This sensor reports the maximum vibration detected during the previous minute.", "TR_RAMP_OFFSET": "Ramp offset", "TR_RAMP_OFFSET_MSG": "Ramp data is offset by this value in each cycle.", "TR_RAMP_INCREMENT": "Ramp increment", "TR_RAMP_INCREMENT_MSG": "Ramp data is incremented by this value in each cycle.", "TR_BURST_FREQUENCY": "Burst frequency", "TR_BURST_FREQUENCY_MSG": "The accelerometer's sampling frequency during a burst.", "TR_BURST_DURATION": "Burst duration", "TR_BURST_DURATION_MSG": "The duration of a burst when the accelerometer is active.", "TR_ACC_SENSITIVITY": "Accelerometer sensitivity", "TR_ACC_SENSITIVITY_MSG": "The highest measurable acceleration. Lower sensitivity improves resolution.", "TR_ACT_THRESHOLD": "Activity threshold", "TR_ACT_THRESHOLD_MSG": "The definition of activity. Adjust to separate signal from noise.", "TR_CONTROL_MODE": "Digital out switch", "TR_CONTROL_MODE_MSG": "Maintain a switch state, or automatically flip the switch based on high and low triggers.", "TR_CONTROL_HIGH_ON": "Trigger to switch on", "TR_CONTROL_HIGH_ON_MSG": "The trigger used to turn the switch on in automatic mode. The other trigger will turn the switch off.", "TR_CONTROL_HIGH": "High trigger", "TR_CONTROL_HIGH_MSG": "Flip the switch if the measurement rises above this value in automatic mode.", "TR_CONTROL_LOW": "Low trigger", "TR_CONTROL_LOW_MSG": "Flip the switch if the measurement falls below this value in automatic mode.", "TR_CONTROL_RATE": "Control rate", "TR_CONTROL_RATE_MSG": "The measurement sample rate that controls the switch in automatic mode.", "TR_CONTROL_HIGH_ERROR_MSG": "The high trigger value cannot be lower than the low trigger value.", "TR_CONTROL_AVG": "Measurement averaging", "TR_CONTROL_AVG_MSG": "Show the average value during each inspection window instead of the most recent value.", "TR_SENSOR_MODE": "Sensor Mode", "TR_SENSOR_MODE_WAIT_MSG": "Changing sensor mode will reset sensor settings to default values. This process may take a few minutes.", "TR_IN1_TC_TYPE": "Input 1 type", "TR_IN1_TC_TYPE_MSG": "The type of thermistor / RTD plugged into input 1.", "TR_IN2_TC_TYPE": "Input 2 type", "TR_IN2_TC_TYPE_MSG": "The type of thermistor / RTD plugged into input 2.", "TR_IN2_STATUS": "Input 2 status", "TR_IN2_STATUS_MSG": "Disable input 2 when not in use to extend battery life.", "TR_FIND_MY_SENSOR": "Find My Sensor", "TR_BLINK": "Blink", "TR_BLINK_DURATION": "Blink duration", "TR_FIND_MY_SENSOR_MSG": "To help find your sensor, press the Blink button to blink the light on the sensor for the selected duration.", "TR_FIND_MY_SENSOR_NOTE": "Please wait up to 70 seconds for the sensor to start blinking.", "TR_BLOCK_ABOUT_MSG": "Improve sensor signal strength by blocking sensors from connecting to distant gateways when a closer gateway exists.", "TR_BLOCK_GATEWAYS": "Blocking Gateways", "TR_BLOCK_SENSORS": "Blocked Sensors", "TR_BLOCK_NO_CONNECT_TITLE": "Unable to connect", "TR_BLOCK_NO_CONNECT_MSG": "This sensor is unable to connect because it is blocked by all gateways on the account.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS": "Add Sensors", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_SCANNING": "Scanning for new sensors...", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_NONE_TITLE": "No new sensors detected", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_NONE_MSG": "Gateways on the account are currently detecting no new sensors.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_NEW_TITLE": "New sensors detected", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_NEW_MSG1": "New sensors were detected by your gateways.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_NEW_MSG2": "Select the sensors you wish to add to the account and click plus.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_HELP_TITLE": "Missing some sensors?", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_HELP_MSG1": "Make sure the account has an online gateway.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_HELP_MSG2": "Turn on the new sensors near the gateway.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_HELP_MSG3": "After one minute, click refresh.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Sensors added", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_SUCCESS_MSG1": "These new sensors were added to the account:", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_SUCCESS_MSG2": "Each new sensor appears in the hardware list under the gateway that detected it.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_SUCCESS_MSG3": "New sensors are indicated by a star.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_ERROR_TITLE": "Sensors not added", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_ERROR_MSG1": "These sensors could not be added to the account:", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_CODE1": "Sensor does not exist.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_CODE2": "Sensor is offline.", "TR_ADD_SENSORS_CODE3": "Sensor was added by another account.", "TR_TOKENS_CLOUD_SUB": "Cloud Subscription", "TR_TOKENS_BILLING_ACCOUNT": "Billing account", "TR_TOKENS_USED": "Used", "TR_TOKENS_REMAINING": "Remaining", "TR_TOKENS_SELECT_UP_TO": "Select up to {{remainingTokens}} sensors", "TR_TOKENS_SHARED_MSG": "This cloud subscription includes {{sharingSubs}} sub-accounts.", "TR_TOKENS_LOW_TITLE": "{{remainingTokens}} sensors remaining", "TR_TOKENS_LOW_MSG": "You can add up to {{remainingTokens}} sensors. If you need more, please contact us to increase your cloud subscription or remove unused sensors.", "TR_TOKENS_ZERO_TITLE": "Cloud subscription is full", "TR_TOKENS_ZERO_MSG": "You cannot add any more sensors. Please contact us to increase your cloud subscription or remove unused sensors.", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVED_SENSORS": "Removed Sensors", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVE_SENSOR": "Remove Sensor", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVE": "Remove", "TR_REMOVE_RESTORE": "Restore", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVED": "Removed", "TR_REMOVE_RESTORING": "Restoring ...", "TR_REMOVE_RESTORED_SENSOR_MSG": "A restored sensor will try to connect to any gateway on this account as a new sensor. Please make sure the sensor has power and is near a gateway.", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVED_SENSOR_MSG": "A removed sensor will not connect to any gateway but is still a member of this account. If you want to use this sensor on a different account, delete it from this account.", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVE_SENSOR_TITLE": "Remove Sensor?", "TR_REMOVE_REMOVE_SENSOR_MSG": "You are about to remove this sensor. The sensor will be moved from the hardware list to the Removed Sensors list. If the sensor is restored, it will reappear in the hardware list under the nearest gateway on this account. If you no longer want this sensor monitored with your subscription, please contact accounting@swiftsensors.com prior to your next billing cycle.", "TR_REMOVE_DELETE_SENSOR_TITLE": "Delete Sensor?", "TR_REMOVE_DELETE_SENSOR_MSG": "You are about to delete this sensor. If this sensor is in working order, it will reappear under the nearest gateway as a new sensor, possibly on a different account.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT": "Sensor Fault", "TR_SENSOR_FAULTS": "Sensor Faults", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_CONDITION": "Fault condition", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_1_TITLE": "Unknown fault", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_1_MSG": "The sensor reported an unknown fault.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_11_TITLE": "Missing value", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_11_MSG": "The sensor briefly connected but lost the connection before it could send a value.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_12_TITLE": "Invalid value", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_12_MSG": "The sensor sent an invalid value that is out of range.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_13_TITLE": "High value", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_13_MSG": "The sensor sent an extremely high value that is out of range.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_14_TITLE": "Low value", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_14_MSG": "The sensor sent an extremely low value that is out of range.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_20_TITLE": "Hardware fault", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_20_MSG": "The sensor reported a hardware fault.", "TR_SENSOR_FAULT_MSG": "A fault could be caused by exceeding the sensor's operating range, unplugging a probe from an enabled input, or a hardware problem.", "TR_MEASUREMENT": "Measurement", "TR_MEASUREMENTS": "Measurements", "TR_SHOW_MEASUREMENTS": "Show Measurements", "TR_ABNORMAL_MEASUREMENTS": "Abnormal Measurements", "TR_CRITICAL_MEASUREMENTS": "Critical Measurements", "TR_WARNING_MEASUREMENTS": "Warning Measurements", "TR_SELECT_MEASUREMENTS_IN_GROUP_MESSAGE": "Select measurements in this measurement group.", "TR_NO_MEASUREMENTS_MESSAGE": "There are no measurements in this account.", "TR_LAST_READING": "Last Reading", "TR_PROPERTY": "Property", "TR_UNITS": "Units", "TR_DISPLAY_UNITS": "Display Units", "TR_DISPLAY_PRECISION": "Display Precision", "TR_HIDDEN": "Hidden", "TR_SHOW_MEASUREMENT_IN_LIST": "Show measurement in list", "TR_OTHER_MEASUREMENTS": "Other Measurements", "TR_ADJUSTMENT": "Adjustment", "TR_MEAS_ADJUSTMENT": "Measurement adjustment", "TR_METHOD": "Method", "TR_OFFSET": "Offset", "TR_TARGET": "Target", "TR_ORIGINAL_VALUE": "Original Value", "TR_OFFSET_VALUE": "Offset value", "TR_TARGET_VALUE": "Target Value", "TR_CALIBRATIONS": "Calibrations", "TR_CALIBRATION": "Calibration", "TR_TAG": "Tag", "TR_TAGS": "Tags", "TR_TAG_OPEN_TAGS": "Open Tags", "TR_TAG_NO_SENSORS_MSG": "There are no sensors with this tag.", "TR_TAG_NO_MEAS_MSG": "There are no measurements with this tag.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_1": "Tags offer a powerful option to organize and analyze your sensors or measurements using multiple characteristics.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_2": "Unlike groups, each sensor or measurement can be tagged with multiple tags to describe location, function and more.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_3": "Examples of tag names: Building 4, Floor 1, Assembly B, Basements, Bathrooms, Freezers, etc.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_4": "Sensor data can also be analyzed more precisely by focusing on the intersection of multiple tags.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_NOTE_1": "Tagging sensors is faster than tagging measurements.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_NOTE_2": "Always tag a sensor unless its measurements need different tags.", "TR_TAG_ABOUT_AQM": "IAQ Scoreboards also work with tags that include indoor air quality sensors.", "TR_DASHBOARD": "Dashboard", "TR_DASHBOARDS": "Dashboards", "TR_DASHBOARDS_SHORT": "Dashboards", "TR_DASHBOARD_ABOUT_1": "Dashboards are custom pages with a collection of panels with the data you want to see, in the order you want to see it.", "TR_DASHBOARD_ABOUT_2": "Some panels, such as measurement charts, provide data about one specific measurement.", "TR_DASHBOARD_ABOUT_3": "Other panels, such as threshold pie charts or critical lists, show data about all measurements in a specific container.", "TR_DASHBOARD_ABOUT_4": "A container can be the account, a hardware group, a measurement group, a gateway, or a sensor.", "TR_DASHBOARD_ABOUT_5": "Each dashboard can have up to {{maxDashboardPanels}} panels.", "TR_DASHBOARD_DEFAULT": "Default view after sign in", "TR_PANEL": "Panel", "TR_PANEL_SELECT_PANEL": "Select Panel", "TR_PANEL_SELECT_DATA": "Select Data", "TR_PANEL_DATA_CATEGORY": "Data Category", "TR_PANEL_MEASUREMENT_PANELS": "Measurement Panels", "TR_PANEL_ACCOUNT_SUMMARY": "Account Summary", "TR_PANEL_MEASUREMENT_CHART": "Measurement Chart", "TR_PANEL_COMBO_CHART": "Combo Chart", "TR_PANEL_VIDEO_CAMERAS": "Video Cameras", "TR_PANEL_THRESHOLD_PIE_CHART": "Threshold Pie Chart", "TR_PANEL_THRESHOLD_STATUS_LIGHT": "Threshold Status Light", "TR_PANEL_ABNORMAL_LIST": "Abnormal List", "TR_PANEL_CRITICAL_LIST": "Critical List", "TR_PANEL_WARNING_LIST": "Warning List", "TR_PANEL_MEASUREMENT_LIST": "Measurement List", "TR_PANEL_HARDWARE_LIST": "Hardware List", "TR_PANEL_LOW_BATTERY_LIST": "Low Battery List", "TR_PANEL_EMPTY_SPACE": "Empty Space", "TR_PANEL_AQM_SUMMARY": "Comfort Health Vape", "TR_PANEL_AQM_COMFORT_HEALTH": "Comfort Health", "TR_PANEL_SECTION_TRENDS": "Trends", "TR_PANEL_COMPLIANCE": "Compliance", "TR_PANEL_UTILIZATION": "Utilization", "TR_PANEL_PRODUCTIVITY": "Productivity", "TR_PANEL_AVERAGE_VALUE": "Average Value", "TR_PANEL_MAXIMUM_VALUE": "Maximum Value", "TR_PANEL_MINIMUM_VALUE": "Minimum Value", "TR_PANEL_AVERAGE_COMPLIANCE": "Average Compliance", "TR_PANEL_AVERAGE_UTILIZATION": "Average Utilization", "TR_PANEL_AVERAGE_PRODUCTIVITY": "Average Productivity", "TR_PANEL_TOTAL_PRODUCTIVITY": "Total Productivity", "TR_PANEL_MINIMUM_PRODUCTIVITY": "Minimum Productivity", "TR_PANEL_ON_DASHBOARD_MESSAGE": "This panel is on the dashboard.", "TR_PANEL_ALL_ON_DASHBOARD_MESSAGE": "All {{usedNodeCount}} panels of this kind are on the dashboard.", "TR_PANEL_NO_ACCESS_TITLE": "No Access", "TR_PANEL_NO_ACCESS_MSG": "This panel requires multi-account privileges.", "TR_TREND_PER_SHIFT": "per shift", "TR_TREND_CONFIDENCE": "confidence", "TR_TREND_DATA_NEEDED_TITLE": "Insufficient data", "TR_TREND_DATA_NEEDED_MSG": "Data is needed for at least three completed shifts.", "TR_TREND_SHIFT_COUNT": "Shift count", "TR_NORM_NOT_SCALAR_MSG": "This panel requires a scalar measurement.", "TR_NORM_NOT_BINARY_MSG": "This panel requires a binary measurement.", "TR_NORM_NO_THRESHOLD_MSG": "Please select a threshold for this measurement.", "TR_NORM_NO_SHIFT_SCHEDULE_MSG": "Please select a shift schedule for this measurement.", "TR_NORM_NO_SHIFT_TITLE": "No active shift", "TR_NORM_NO_SHIFT_MSG": "There is no active shift right now.", "TR_NORM_NO_BIN_IN_GROUP_MSG": "This group has no binary measurements.", "TR_NORM_NO_SCALAR_IN_GROUP_MSG": "This group has no scalar measurements.", "TR_NORM_NO_SCALAR_THRESH_IN_GROUP_MSG": "Some scalar measurements in this group have no threshold.", "TR_NORM_NO_BIN_THRESH_IN_GROUP_MSG": "Some binary measurements in this group have no threshold.", "TR_NORM_DIFF_TIMEZONE_IN_GROUP_MSG": "Some measurements in this group have a different time zone.", "TR_NORM_NO_SCHEDULE_IN_GROUP_MSG": "Some measurements in this group have no shift schedule.", "TR_NORM_DIFF_SCHEDULE_IN_GROUP_MSG": "Some measurements in this group have a different shift schedule.", "TR_THRESHOLD": "Threshold", "TR_THRESHOLDS": "Thresholds", "TR_THRESHOLD_RESET": "Reset threshold", "TR_THRESHOLDS_IN_NAME": "Thresholds in {{name}}", "TR_THRESHOLD_STATUS": "Threshold Status", "TR_THRESHOLD_NONE": "None", "TR_THRESHOLD_NORMAL": "Normal", "TR_THRESHOLD_ABNORMAL": "Abnormal", "TR_THRESHOLD_CRITICAL": "Critical", "TR_THRESHOLD_WARNING": "Warning", "TR_THRESHOLD_HIGH_CRITICAL": "High Critical", "TR_THRESHOLD_HIGH_WARNING": "High Warning", "TR_THRESHOLD_LOW_WARNING": "Low Warning", "TR_THRESHOLD_LOW_CRITICAL": "Low Critical", "TR_THRESHOLD_HIDDEN": "Hidden", "TR_SELECT_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE": "Select a threshold to trigger your measurement alerts.", "TR_CREATE_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE": "Create a threshold for this property by tapping the plus icon on the thresholds page, or tap the arrow below to go there now.", "TR_SELECT_THRESHOLD_MEASUREMENTS_MESSAGE": "Select measurements of the same property to use this threshold.", "TR_NO_THRESHOLD_MEASUREMENT_MESSAGE": "Please connect sensors of the same property before selecting measurements to use this threshold.", "TR_ABNORMAL_STATE": "Abnormal State", "TR_ABNORMAL_BOUNDARIES": "Abnormal Boundaries", "TR_THRESHOLD_STATUS_IS": "Threshold Status Is", "TR_WHEN_MEASUREMENT_VALUE_IS": "When Measurement Value Is", "TR_THRESHOLD_ABOUT_1": "A threshold defines the normal and abnormal operating range of measurements.", "TR_THRESHOLD_ABOUT_2": "A threshold has up to four abnormal boundaries. The normal operating range is in between.", "TR_THRESHOLD_ABOUT_3": "Each threshold can be reused with multiple measurements of the same property.", "TR_THRESHOLD_USED_PROPS": "Hide unused properties", "TR_NOTIF": "Alert", "TR_NOTIFS": "Alerts", "TR_NOTIF_HISTORY": "Alert History", "TR_NOTIF_TYPE": "Alert Type", "TR_HARDWARE_NOTIF": "Hardware Alert", "TR_HARDWARE_NOTIFS": "Hardware Alerts", "TR_MEASUREMENT_NOTIF": "Measurement Alert", "TR_MEASUREMENT_NOTIFS": "Measurement Alerts", "TR_CREATE_NOTIF_MSG": "Create an alert by tapping the plus icon on the Alerts page, or tap the arrow below to go there now.", "TR_NOT_ON_HOME_ACCOUNT": "Not on your home account", "TR_NOTIF_ABOUT_1": "Alerts keep groups of users informed if measurements or system hardware require attention.", "TR_NOTIF_ABOUT_MEASUREMENT": "Measurement alerts are sent if certain thresholds are breached for some time, and can be assigned to one or more measurements.", "TR_NOTIF_ABOUT_HARDWARE": "Hardware alerts are sent if system hardware is offline or low on battery, and can be assigned to one or more gateways and sensors.", "TR_NOTIF_ABOUT_COMP": "Composite alerts are sent if up to four assigned measurements meet the selected threshold criteria all at the same time.", "TR_NOTIF_ABOUT_5": "Each alert can be reused with multiple measurements or multiple gateways and sensors.", "TR_NOTIF_NO_THRESHOLD_TITLE": "Missing threshold", "TR_NOTIF_NO_THRESHOLD_MSG": "Blue measurements need a threshold to trigger this alert.", "TR_NOTIF_FOUND_RESULTS_MSG": "Found {{count}} sent alerts.", "TR_NOTIF_MANY_RESULTS_MSG": "Limiting the results to the last {{count}} sent alerts. Please make your search more specific.", "TR_NOTIF_MS_NONE": "No measurement alerts", "TR_NOTIF_HW_NONE": "No hardware alerts", "TR_NOTIF_HW_AUTO_MSG1": "This automatic alert protects all hardware on the account.", "TR_NOTIF_HW_AUTO_MSG2": "For more control, you can disable it and create your own hardware alerts with different users responsible for different hardware.", "TR_COMP": "Composite", "TR_COMP_NOTIF": "Composite Alert", "TR_COMP_NOTIFS": "Composite Alerts", "TR_COMP_NOTIF_IF_MSG": "All criteria is met at the same time", "TR_COMP_CRITERIA": "Measurement Criteria", "TR_COMP_CRITERIA_ABOUT_MSG": "Composite alert criteria is selected in the Measurement Criteria panel.", "TR_COMP_CRITERIA_SELECT_MSG": "Select the criteria to trigger this composite alert using up to four measurements with a threshold.", "TR_COMP_CRITERIA_EDIT_MSG": "Select the criteria of up to four measurements.", "TR_NOTIF_TEST_NOTIFICATION": "Test Alert", "TR_NOTIF_TEST_SETUP_TITLE": "Setup is incomplete", "TR_NOTIF_TEST_SETUP_MSG": "The setup of this alert must be completed before a test can be performed.", "TR_NOTIF_TEST_ABOUT_1": "A test alert will be sent to all selected users using all selected delivery methods. Press the bell button to begin the test.", "TR_NOTIF_TEST_ABOUT_2": "If using anti-spam filters, users should allow emails from", "TR_NOTIF_CRITERIA": "Criteria", "TR_NOTIF_CRITERIA_ABOUT": "The system sends one alert for each abnormal condition based on the criteria and delay, even if the condition is long-lasting. The alert ends when the measurement returns to normal.", "TR_NOTIF_ADVANCED": "Advanced Settings", "TR_NOTIF_NOTIFY_IF": "Send alert if", "TR_NOTIF_BACK_TO_NORMAL": "Back to normal", "TR_NOTIF_NORMAL_LESS_THAN": "Normal lasts less than", "TR_NOTIF_NORMAL_TOO_SHORT": "Normal too short", "TR_NOTIF_GATEWAY_OFFLINE": "Gateway offline", "TR_NOTIF_GATEWAY_ONLINE": "Gateway online", "TR_NOTIF_SENSOR_OFFLINE": "Sensor offline", "TR_NOTIF_SENSOR_ONLINE": "Sensor online", "TR_NOTIF_DELAY": "Delay", "TR_NOTIF_DELAY_ABOUT1": "The system can delay sending an alert until the abnormal condition lasts for a specified duration.", "TR_NOTIF_DELAY_ABOUT2": "Abnormal conditions that last for less than the specified delay will be ignored.", "TR_NOTIF_DELAY_UNTIL_CONDITION_LASTS": "Delay until condition lasts", "TR_NOTIF_SUPP": "Suppression", "TR_NOTIF_SUPP_ABOUT1": "The system can suppress alerts if a condition rapidly toggles between normal and abnormal.", "TR_NOTIF_SUPP_ABOUT2": "After sending an alert, new alerts can be suppressed for a specified duration.", "TR_NOTIF_SUPP_ABOUT3": "Suppression is usually not needed when using a delay, since the delay limits the frequency at which alerts are sent.", "TR_NOTIF_SUPP_NOTE": "Suppression should not be used to ignore chronic problems with equipment or to compensate for incorrect threshold settings.", "TR_NOTIF_SUPP_AFTER_FOR": "After sending, suppress for", "TR_NOTIF_DELIVER_BY": "Deliver By", "TR_NOTIF_ENABLE_MESSAGE": "Enable this alert to allow it to be sent.", "TR_NOTIF_USERS_SELECT_MESSAGE": "Select users to receive this alert.", "TR_NOTIF_HARDWARE_SELECT_MESSAGE": "Select gateways or sensors to trigger this alert.", "TR_NOTIF_MEASUREMENT_SELECT_MESSAGE": "Select measurements with thresholds to trigger this alert.", "TR_NOTIF_THRESHOLD_SELECT_MESSAGE": "Add missing thresholds to selected measurements.", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_PERIODS": "Periods", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_SILENT_PERIOD": "Silent Periods", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_ACTIVE_PERIOD": "Active Periods", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_SILENT_OR_ACTIVE_PERIOD": "Silent or Active Periods", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_PERIOD_SELECTION_MESSAGE": "During these periods, alerts are:", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_SILENT": "Silent", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_ACTIVE": "Active", "TR_NOTIF_BLACKOUT_NONE_MSG": "This alert can be silenced or activated only at certain times and days of the week.", "TR_NOTIF_ESCALATION": "Escalation", "TR_NOTIF_ESCALATION_OFF_MSG": "If the alert condition is not resolved or acknowledged, this alert can be escalated to other users.", "TR_NOTIF_ESCALATE_AFTER": "Escalate after", "TR_NOTIF_REPEAT": "Reminders", "TR_NOTIF_REPEAT_OFF_MSG": "Emails reminders can be sent at regular intervals during any alert condition.", "TR_NOTIF_REPEAT_ON_MSG": "Email reminders are sent until the alert condition is resolved, acknowledged, or the reminders expire.", "TR_NOTIF_REPEAT_INTERVAL": "Repeat every", "TR_NOTIF_REPEAT_EXPIRATION": "Stop after", "TR_HW_ISSUE": "Hardware Issue", "TR_HW_ISSUES": "Hardware Issues", "TR_NOTIF_GATEWAY_OFFLINE_MSG": "Click the question mark for help with bringing this gateway back online.", "TR_NOTIF_SENSOR_OFFLINE_MSG": "Click the question mark for help with bringing this sensor back online.", "TR_LOW_BATTERY_MSG": "Click the question mark for help with replacing the battery in this sensor.", "TR_MEAS_ISSUE": "Measurement Issue", "TR_HUMIDITY_SATURATED": "Humidity is saturated", "TR_HUMIDITY_SATURATED_MSG": "The humidity measurement is saturated and may temporarily remain at 101% as humidity decreases below 100%.", "TR_VIDEO_CAMERA": "Video Camera", "TR_VIDEO_CAMERAS": "Video Cameras", "TR_VIDEO": "Video", "TR_NO_VIDEO_CAMERAS_MESSAGE": "No video cameras are available using the supplied EagleEyeNetworks credentials. Please check the credentials and try again.", "TR_CONVERSION": "Conversion", "TR_CONVERSIONS": "Conversions", "TR_CONVERSIONS_SHORT": "Conversions", "TR_CONV_TYPE": "Conversion Type", "TR_CONV_MEAS_CONVERSION": "Measurement Conversion", "TR_CONV_PROD_CONVERSION": "Productivity Conversion", "TR_CONV_MEAS_CONVERSIONS": "Measurement Conversions", "TR_CONV_PROD_CONVERSIONS": "Productivity Conversions", "TR_CONV_MEAS_ABOUT": "Measurement conversions change measurement values to a different property using a conversion formula.", "TR_CONV_PROD_ABOUT": "Productivity conversions change productivity values to a scalar property using a scaling factor.", "TR_CONV_FORMULA": "Conversion Formula", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_LINEAR": "Linear", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_BINARY": "Binary", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_INVERSE": "Inverse", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_NTC_PTC": "Thermistor / RTD", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_ABOUT_LINEAR": "Linear conversions convert a scalar property to another scalar property. These conversions are defined by a range of input and output values. For example, input values from 4 to 20 milliamps can be converted to output values from 0 to 100 °Celcius.", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_ABOUT_BINARY": "Binary conversions convert a scalar property to a binary property, such as \"activity\", based on a boundary value. Inputs less than the boundary value output the 0 value. Inputs greater than or equal to the boundary value output the 1 value.", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_ABOUT_INVERSE": "Inverse conversions change the value of a binary property to the opposite value. For example, the open/closed values for a door measurement are inverted. The inverted output property is usually the same as the input property, but it can be different.", "TR_CONV_FORMULA_ABOUT_NTC_PTC": "Thermistor / RTD conversions map electric resistance to temperature using a negative or positive temperature coefficient table. This table can be selected from a template or uploaded from a custom file.", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_TABLE": "Temperature coefficient table", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_TABLE_NTC": "NTC table", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_TABLE_PTC": "RTD / PTC table", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_TEMPLATE_NTC": "NTC template", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_TEMPLATE_PTC": "RTD / PTC template", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_CUSTOM_FILE": "Custom file", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_ORDER": "Custom file columns", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_DOWNLOAD": "Download table", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_FILE_MSG": "File must contain only plain text with comma-separated values. The file name must end with \".TXT\" or \".CSV\"", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_FILE_MISSING_MSG": "A custom file must be chosen.", "TR_CONV_NTC_PTC_FILE_INVALID_MSG": "The file name must end with \".TXT\" or \".CSV\"", "TR_CONV_INPUT": "Input", "TR_CONV_INPUT_PROPERTY": "Input Property", "TR_CONV_INPUT_UNIT": "Input Unit", "TR_CONV_INPUT_VALUES": "Input Values", "TR_CONV_SCALING_FACTOR": "Scaling factor", "TR_CONV_BOUNDARY": "Boundary", "TR_CONV_OUTPUT": "Output", "TR_CONV_OUTPUT_PROPERTY": "Output Property", "TR_CONV_OUTPUT_UNIT": "Output Unit", "TR_CONV_OUTPUT_VALUES": "Output Values", "TR_CONV_LESS_THAN_BOUNDARY": "Less than boundary", "TR_CONV_GREATER_THAN_BOUNDARY": "Greater than boundary", "TR_CONV_VALUES": "Values", "TR_CONV_CANNOT_EDIT_TITLE": "Cannot Edit Conversion", "TR_CONV_CANNOT_EDIT_THRESH_MSG": "Please remove this measurement's threshold first.", "TR_CONV_CANNOT_EDIT_GOAL_MSG": "Please remove this measurement's goal first.", "TR_CONV_MEASUREMENT_NOTE": "Each measurement conversion can be reused with multiple compatible measurements.", "TR_CONV_PRODUCTIVITY_NOTE": "Each productivity conversion can be reused with multiple binary measurements.", "TR_CONV_SELECT_CONVERSION_MSG": "Select this conversion on any compatible measurement details page.", "TR_CONV_IS_INCOMPATIBLE": "Conversion is incompatible", "TR_CONV_REQUIRES_BINARY": "This conversion requires a binary measurement.", "TR_TOOLS": "Tools", "TR_SENSOR_DISPATCH": "Sensor Dispatch", "TR_SENSOR_DISPATCH_ABOUT1": "Sensor Dispatch helps you manage sensors that are reused for different jobs.", "TR_SENSOR_DISPATCH_ABOUT2": "Select a sensor to dispatch it to a new job or return it in one easy step.", "TR_DISPATCH": "Dispatch", "TR_SENSOR_DISPATCH_TITLE": "Sensor was dispatched", "TR_SENSOR_DISPATCH_MSG": "Dispatching a sensor assigns a custom name and thresholds according to the sensor's next job.", "TR_RETURN": "Return", "TR_SENSOR_RETURN_TITLE": "Sensor was returned", "TR_SENSOR_RETURN_MSG": "Returning a sensor automatically resets the sensor name back to the default.", "TR_DISPATCH_REMOVE_THRESH": "Also remove thresholds", "TR_DISPATCH_REMOVE_THRESH_MSG": "Returning a sensor also removes thresholds.", "TR_SENSOR_ON_MSG": "Turn on a dispatched sensor by clicking the center button.", "TR_SENSOR_OFF_MSG": "Turn off a returned sensor by holding the center button for 1 second.", "TR_VERIF": "Verification", "TR_VERIF_GROUP": "Verification Group", "TR_VERIF_GROUPS": "Verification Groups", "TR_VERIF_DAILY": "Daily Verification", "TR_VERIF_CURR_VALUE": "Show current values", "TR_VERIF_CURR_VALUE_MSG": "Show the current measurement values on the daily verification form and report.", "TR_VERIF_CURR_VALUE_MSG2": "This combines the verification of yesterday's maximum and minimum values and the current value.", "TR_VERIF_REGULATIONS": "Regulations", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_0": "Daily verification logs are commonly required in highly-regulated industries such as medical labs subject to CLIA compliance or CAP certification, or food services following HACCP plans for quality monitoring and control.", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_1": "This tool makes it easy to verify daily that yesterday's important measurements were within proper range and to record a note when measurements were abnormal.", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_3": "Optionally, the current measurement values can also be shown and verified at the same time.", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_4": "Daily verification is managed using verification groups.", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_5": "Verification groups identify scalar measurements that require daily verification.", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_6": "Verification groups make it easy to verify multiple measurements on one page.", "TR_VERIF_ABOUT_7": "Verification groups can be used to divide verification responsibilities among multiple users.", "TR_VERIF_DATE": "Verification date", "TR_VERIF_REPORT": "Verification report", "TR_VERIF_NO_GROUPS_MSG": "Add a verification group with some measurements to begin using daily verification.", "TR_VERIF_NO_MEAS_MSG": "Select some measurements to use this verification group.", "TR_VERIF_OTHER_GROUPS": "Other verification groups", "TR_VERIF_MAXIMUM": "Maximum", "TR_VERIF_MINIMUM": "Minimum", "TR_VERIF_VERIFIED": "Verified", "TR_VERIF_TOTAL": "Total", "TR_VERIF_NOT_APPLICABLE": "Not applicable", "TR_VERIF_REQUIRED_NOTE": "Required note", "TR_VERIF_ERROR_MISSING_NOTES": "Please complete the required note fields indicated by a red button.", "TR_VERIF_DAILY_REPORT": "Daily Verification Report", "TR_VERIF_ALL_GROUPS": "All Verification Groups", "TR_VERIF_ERROR_DATE_RANGE": "Please select up to 31 days.", "TR_VERIF_REPORT2": "Proof of verification of each minimum and maximum daily value is indicated by the name of the user who verified it.", "TR_VERIF_REPORT3": "The current measurement value at the time of verification was also verified.", "TR_VERIF_REPORT4": "Values are color-coded based on each measurement's normal operating range, where green means normal and red means abnormal.", "TR_VERIF_REPORT5": "A note is provided if any measurement value is abnormal.", "TR_REPORT_ABOUT_TITLE": "About this report", "TR_REPORT_ABOUT_MSG": "This report is powered by the Swift Sensors cloud-based monitoring system.", "TR_E_SIG": "Electronic signature", "TR_E_SIG_LINE": "Signature", "TR_E_SIG_ADD": "Add signature", "TR_E_SIG_MSG": "I consent to electronically signing my name to declare that I have generated this report and reviewed its contents.", "TR_SUPPORT": "Support", "TR_SUPPORT_WITH_HW": "with hardware", "TR_SUPPORT_ABNORMAL_HARDWARE": "Abnormal hardware", "TR_SUPPORT_EDIT_ABNORMAL_CRITERIA": "Abnormal criteria", "TR_SUPPORT_EDIT_ABNORMAL_CRITERIA_ABOUT": "Edit abnormal criteria to find hardware that has been offline for a long time or has depleted batteries. Press the reset button to restore default values.", "TR_SUPPORT_EDIT_INFO_TITLE": "For Support Page Only", "TR_SUPPORT_EDIT_INFO_MSG": "Changing abnormal criteria only affects the support page. The server uses default values for showing abnormal hardware and triggering hardware alerts.", "TR_STATISTICS": "Statistics", "TR_OPEN_ALL": "Open All", "TR_CLOSE_ALL": "Close All", "TR_EMAIL": "Email", "TR_NEW_EMAIL": "New Email", "TR_SEND_EMAIL": "Send Email", "TR_UNVERIFIED_EMAIL_MSG1": "You will not receive email alerts until your email address is verified.", "TR_UNVERIFIED_EMAIL_MSG2": "Go to User Settings and edit your email.", "TR_UNVERIFIED_EMAIL_MSG3": "Then, follow instructions to complete verification.", "TR_EMAIL_CHANGE_YOUR_EMAIL": "Change your email", "TR_EMAIL_VERIFY_YOUR_EMAIL": "Verify your email", "TR_EMAIL_FLOW_SEND_VERIF_EMAIL": "Send a verification email to yourself.", "TR_EMAIL_FLOW_CLICK_VERIF_LINK": "Then, click the verification link inside within 24 hours.", "TR_EMAIL_FLOW_TO_NEW_EMAIL": "To change your email, send a verification email to the new email address.", "TR_EMAIL_VERIF_EMAIL": "Verification email address", "TR_SMS": "SMS", "TR_PASSWORD": "Password", "TR_CURRENT_PASSWORD": "Current Password", "TR_NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password", "TR_CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD": "Confirm New Password", "TR_SHOW_PASSWORD": "Show Password", "TR_FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot Password", "TR_FORGOT_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION": "If you forgot your password, we can send you an email with a link to a special Reset Password page. Enter your email address and complete user verification.", "TR_FORGOT_PASSWORD_NOTE": "The link in the email will expire after one day. If necessary, you can re-send an email to the same address, but only the link in the latest email will work.", "TR_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Reset Password Email Sent", "TR_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION": "The Reset Password email was sent to {{email}} and should arrive in your inbox in a few minutes. This email will contain a special link to the Reset Password page.", "TR_FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_NOTE": "If you don't see the email, check your spam folder and verify your email address.", "TR_RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset Password", "TR_RESET_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION": "Please enter and confirm a new password for your user account.", "TR_RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Password Reset Successful", "TR_RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION": "Your password has been changed. Click the button to return to the console.", "TR_TFA": "Two-factor authentication", "TR_TFA_ADD_PHONE_MSG": "Please add a phone before enabling two-factor authentication.", "TR_TFA_DISABLE_MSG": "Please disable two-factor authentication before deleting your phone.", "TR_TFA_CODE": "Security code", "TR_TFA_CODE_MSG": "A security code was sent to your phone.", "TR_TFA_TRUST_DEVS": "trusted devices", "TR_TFA_TRUST_DEV_DELETE_MSG": "Delete your trusted devices if some are compromised. All devices will require a security code when you sign in again.", "TR_TFA_TRUST_DEV_ABOUT_MSG_1": "A trusted device allows sign-in without a security code for 30 days.", "TR_TFA_TRUST_DEV": "Trust this device", "TR_PHONE": "Phone", "TR_PHONE_NEW": "New Phone", "TR_PHONE_VERIFICATION_CODE": "Verification Code", "TR_PHONE_VERIFICATION_MSG": "You were sent an SMS with a code to verify the new phone number. Please enter this code here.", "TR_PHONE_NONE_TITLE": "No phone", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT": "Create Account", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_CREATE_MSG": "Please choose a name and the default language and time zone for your account.", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FIRST_GATEWAY": "First Gateway", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FIRST_GATEWAY_MSG": "Please connect your first gateway using the included quick start guide. Enter the last 4 digits of the gateway id from the gateway label or the purchase email. The gateway will be verified and registered with your account.", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FIRST_USER": "First Admin User", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FIRST_USER_MSG": "You will be the first administrator user. Enter your name and email address, and choose your password. You will receive a welcome email with a link to verify your email address. Clicking this link and entering your password will activate your account.", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Account Confirmation Email Sent", "TR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS_MSG": "The account confirmation email was sent and should arrive shortly. Please check your inbox for an email with a special link to verify your email address and activate your account.", "TR_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT": "Confirm Account", "TR_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_MSG": "Please enter your password to confirm your email and activate your new account.", "TR_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Account Has Been Activated", "TR_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS_MSG": "Welcome! Your account is now activated. Click the button to sign in to the console. After sign-in, be sure to bookmark the console for future reference at URL https://my.swiftsensors.net", "TR_CHANGE_EMAIL": "Change Email", "TR_CHANGE_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION": "Please enter your password to change the email for your user account.", "TR_CHANGE_EMAIL_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Email Changed", "TR_CHANGE_EMAIL_SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION": "Your email has been changed. Click the button to sign in to the console.", "TR_VERIFY_EMAIL": "Verify Email", "TR_VERIFY_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION": "Please enter your password to verify the email for your user account.", "TR_VERIFY_EMAIL_SUCCESS_TITLE": "Email Has Been Verified", "TR_VERIFY_EMAIL_SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION": "Your new email has been verified. Click the button to sign in to the console.", "TR_HELP": "Help", "TR_HELP_ABOUT": "This area offers resources to help you get the most out of your cloud wireless sensor system.", "TR_INSTALL_GUIDE": "Installation and Setup Guide", "TR_FAQS": "Frequently Asked Questions", "TR_TUTORIAL_VIDEOS": "Tutorial Videos", "TR_PRODUCT_CERTIFICATIONS": "Product Certifications", "TR_WARRANTY_AND_RETURNS": "Warranty and Returns", "TR_TERMS_CONDITIONS": "General Terms and Conditions", "TR_DATA_EXPORT": "Data Export", "TR_DATA_EXPORT_MSG": "Sensor data can be exported into other apps and accessed by other information systems in a variety of ways.", "TR_API_DOCUMENTATION": "API Documentation", "TR_EXPORT_MEASUREMENT_DATA": "Export Measurement Data", "TR_HELP_CONTACT": "Our support team is ready to help. If you have additional questions or need technical support, contact us by email or phone.", "TR_HELP_SUPPORT_HOURS": "Monday - Friday, 8AM – 7PM CDT", "TR_SETUP_CHECKLIST": "Setup Checklist", "TR_SETUP_CHECKLIST_MSG": "Please complete this setup checklist to activate the basic protections available from your sensor monitoring system.", "TR_PHONE_NONE_MSG": "Add a phone to your user profile to receive SMS or voice alerts.", "TR_THRESHOLD_NONE_MSG": "Add thresholds to define the abnormal criteria for important measurements.", "TR_NOTIF_MS_NONE_MSG": "Add a measurement alert to know when measurements become abnormal.", "TR_NOTIF_HW_NONE_MSG": "Add a hardware alert to know when any gateway or sensor goes offline.", "TR_PRESS_PLUS": "Click the plus icon above to get started.", "TR_NOTIF_HW_PROTECT": "Some hardware is not protected", "TR_NOTIF_HW_PROTECT_MSG": "Some hardware is not included in your hardware alerts. You will not be informed if this hardware goes offline.", "TR_NEW_FEATURES": "What's New", "TR_NEW_FEATURE_1": "Export Data with Signature", "TR_NEW_FEATURE_2": "You can now add your electronic signature when exporting data to a CSV file.", "TR_NEW_FEATURE_3": "Select the Add Signature checkbox at the bottom of the Export Data form.", "TR_NEW_FEATURE_MORE": "Learn more", "TR_DEVICE_PREFS": "Device Preferences", "TR_RESTORE_PANELS_MSG": "If you closed information panels such as \"Setup Checklist\" or \"What's New\", you can restore them on this device.", "TR_RESTORE_PANELS": "Restore Panels", "TR_SELECT": "Select", "TR_SELECT_ALL": "Select All", "TR_NONE": "None", "TR_NONE_SELECTED": "None Selected", "TR_NONE_TO_SELECT": "None To Select", "TR_NONE_TO_SELECT_MSG": "There are no items to select.", "TR_SELECT_A_CAMERA": "Select a camera", "TR_STEP_1": "Step 1", "TR_STEP_2": "Step 2", "TR_REMOVED": "Removed", "TR_PROCESSING": "Processing...", "TR_COMPLETE": "Complete", "TR_GETTING_STARTED": "Getting Started", "TR_ENTITLEMENTS": "Entitlements", "TR_COUNT_DECIMAL_PLACES": "{{count}} decimal places", "TR_YES": "Yes", "TR_NO": "No", "TR_OPTIONAL": "Optional", "TR_ABOUT": "About", "TR_NAME": "Name", "TR_DESCRIPTION": "Description", "TR_STATUS": "Status", "TR_ENABLED": "Enabled", "TR_DISABLED": "Disabled", "TR_UNVERIFIED": "Unverified", "TR_SIGNAL": "Signal", "TR_SECURITY": "Security", "TR_POWER": "Power", "TR_BATTERY": "Battery", "TR_OFFLINE": "Offline", "TR_ONLINE": "Online", "TR_LOW_BATTERY": "Low battery", "TR_NORMAL_BATTERY": "Normal battery", "TR_UNPLUGGED_PROBE": "Unplugged probe", "TR_SETUP": "Setup", "TR_INFORMATION": "Information", "TR_WARNING": "Warning", "TR_SHOW_MORE": "Show more", "TR_SUMMARY": "Summary", "TR_GO_BACK": "Go back", "TR_NEW": "New!", "TR_CONNECTION": "Connection", "TR_LEVEL": "Level", "TR_SERVICE": "Service", "TR_SORT_ORDER": "Sort order", "TR_SORT_BY_VALUE": "Sort by value", "TR_RELOAD": "Reload", "TR_DB_ID": "Database ID", "TR_ID": "ID", "TR_OFFLINE_MONITORING": "Offline Monitoring", "TR_SIZE": "Size", "TR_CREATION_DATE": "Creation Date", "TR_CONTACT_US": "Contact Us", "TR_AUTOMATIC": "Automatic", "TR_SOURCE": "Source", "TR_EXTERNAL_POWER": "External power", "TR_GROUND": "Ground", "TR_POSITIVE": "Positive", "TR_DIGITAL_SWITCH": "Digital switch", "TR_NOT_USED": "Not used", "TR_SUBSCRIPTIONS": "Email Subscriptions", "TR_SUB_SERVICE_SUMMARY": "Monthly Service Summary", "TR_FACTOR": "Factor", "TR_OUT_OF_RANGE": "Out of range", "TR_MANAGE": "Manage", "TR_IMPORTANT_MESSAGE": "Important Message", "TR_SYSTEM_MANUAL": "System Manual", "TR_TEST": "Test", "TR_CONSOLE": "Console", "TR_VERSION": "version", "TR_HINT": "Hint", "TR_NOTE": "Note", "TR_NOTES": "Notes", "TR_NOTE_ADD_NOTE": "Add Note", "TR_NOTE_EDIT_NOTE": "Edit Note", "TR_NOTE_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter up to 400 characters", "TR_NOTES_LOCKED": "Locked notes", "TR_NOTES_LOCKED_MSG": "When locked, notes may be added but not edited or deleted.", "TR_CHART_ADD_NOTE": "Add note", "TR_CHART_PAN_LEFT": "Pan left", "TR_CHART_PAN_RIGHT": "Pan right", "TR_CHART_ZOOM_IN": "Zoom in", "TR_CHART_ZOOM_OUT": "Zoom out", "TR_CHART_PRESENT_TIME": "Present time", "INVALID_ACCEPTED": "Must be accepted. ", "INVALID_ALPHA": "May only contain letters. ", "INVALID_ALPHA_SPACE": "May only contain letters and spaces. ", "INVALID_ALPHA_NUM": "May only contain letters and numbers. ", "INVALID_ALPHA_NUM_SPACE": "May only contain letters, numbers and spaces. ", "INVALID_ALPHA_DASH": "May only contain letters, numbers and dashes. ", "INVALID_ALPHA_DASH_SPACE": "May only contain letters, numbers, dashes and spaces. ", "INVALID_BETWEEN_CHAR": "Text must be between {0} and {1} characters in length. ", "INVALID_BETWEEN_NUM": "Needs to be a numeric value, between {0} and {1}. ", "INVALID_BOOLEAN": "May only contain a true or false value. ", "INVALID_CREDIT_CARD": "Must be a valid credit card number. ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_LONG": "Must be a valid date format (dd-mm-yyyy) OR (dd/mm/yyyy). ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_LONG_BETWEEN": "Needs to be a valid date format (dd-mm-yyyy) OR (dd/mm/yyyy) between {0} and {1}. ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_LONG_MAX": "Needs to be a valid date format (dd-mm-yyyy) OR (dd/mm/yyyy), equal to, or lower than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_LONG_MIN": "Needs to be a valid date format (dd-mm-yyyy) OR (dd/mm/yyyy), equal to, or higher than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_SHORT": "Must be a valid date format (dd-mm-yy) OR (dd/mm/yy). ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_SHORT_BETWEEN": "Needs to be a valid date format (dd-mm-yy) OR (dd/mm/yy) between {0} and {1}. ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_SHORT_MAX": "Needs to be a valid date format (dd-mm-yy) OR (dd/mm/yy), equal to, or lower than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_EURO_SHORT_MIN": "Needs to be a valid date format (dd-mm-yy) OR (dd/mm/yy), equal to, or higher than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_ISO": "Must be a valid date format (yyyy-mm-dd). ", "INVALID_DATE_ISO_BETWEEN": "Needs to be a valid date format (yyyy-mm-dd) between {0} and {1}. ", "INVALID_DATE_ISO_MAX": "Needs to be a valid date format (yyyy-mm-dd), equal to, or lower than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_ISO_MIN": "Needs to be a valid date format (yyyy-mm-dd), equal to, or higher than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_US_LONG": "Must be a valid date format (mm/dd/yyyy) OR (mm-dd-yyyy). ", "INVALID_DATE_US_LONG_BETWEEN": "Needs to be a valid date format (mm/dd/yyyy) OR (mm-dd-yyyy) between {0} and {1}. ", "INVALID_DATE_US_LONG_MAX": "Needs to be a valid date format (mm/dd/yyyy) OR (mm-dd-yyyy), equal to, or lower than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_US_LONG_MIN": "Needs to be a valid date format (mm/dd/yyyy) OR (mm-dd-yyyy), equal to, or higher than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_US_SHORT": "Must be a valid date format (mm/dd/yy) OR (mm-dd-yy). ", "INVALID_DATE_US_SHORT_BETWEEN": "Needs to be a valid date format (mm/dd/yy) OR (mm-dd-yy) between {0} and {1}. ", "INVALID_DATE_US_SHORT_MAX": "Needs to be a valid date format (mm/dd/yy) OR (mm-dd-yy), equal to, or lower than {0}. ", "INVALID_DATE_US_SHORT_MIN": "Needs to be a valid date format (mm/dd/yy) OR (mm-dd-yy), equal to, or higher than {0}. ", "INVALID_DIGITS": "Must be {0} digits. ", "INVALID_DIGITS_BETWEEN": "Must be between {0} and {1} digits. ", "INVALID_EMAIL": "Must be a valid email address. ", "INVALID_EXACT_LEN": "Must have a length of exactly {0} characters. ", "INVALID_EXACT_NUM": "Must be exactly {0}. ", "INVALID_FLOAT": "May only contain a positive float value (integer excluded). ", "INVALID_FLOAT_SIGNED": "May only contain a positive or negative float value (integer excluded). ", "INVALID_IBAN": "Must be a valid IBAN. ", "INVALID_IN_LIST": "Must be a choice inside this list: ({0}). ", "INVALID_INPUT_DIFFERENT": "Field must be different from specified field [{1}]. ", "INVALID_INPUT_MATCH": "Confirmation field does not match specified field [{1}]. ", "INVALID_INTEGER": "Must be a positive integer. ", "INVALID_INTEGER_SIGNED": "Must be a positive or negative integer. ", "INVALID_IPV4": "Must be a valid IP (IPV4). ", "INVALID_IPV6": "Must be a valid IP (IPV6). ", "INVALID_IPV6_HEX": "Must be a valid IP (IPV6 Hex). ", "INVALID_KEY_CHAR": "Invalid keyboard entry on a field of type 'number'. ", "INVALID_MAX_CHAR": "May not be greater than {0} characters. ", "INVALID_MAX_NUM": "Needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or lower than {0}. ", "INVALID_MIN_CHAR": "Must be at least {0} characters. ", "INVALID_MIN_NUM": "Needs to be a numeric value, equal to, or higher than {0}. ", "INVALID_NOT_IN_LIST": "Must be a choice outside this list: ({0}). ", "INVALID_NUMERIC": "Must be a positive number. ", "INVALID_NUMERIC_SIGNED": "Must be a positive or negative number. ", "INVALID_PATTERN": "Must be following this format: {0}. ", "INVALID_PATTERN_DATA": "Must be following this format {{data}}. ", "INVALID_REQUIRED": "Field is required. ", "INVALID_URL": "Must be a valid URL. ", "INVALID_TIME": "Must be a valid time format (hh:mm) OR (hh:mm:ss). ", "INVALID_CHECKBOX_SELECTED": "Checkbox must be selected. " }